COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Leaked internal Pfizer email confirms separate vaxx batches for employees
Last year, I reported here that Pfizer executives were forced to admit under penalty of perjury in front of the Australian Senate that company employees received “specially imported” vaxx doses, bypassing the regulatory inspection process — even though there was no shortage of general vaxx supply at the time and no other legitimate reason for the secretive carve-out.
Related: Pfizer Gave Australian Employees COVID Shots From Separate Batch Than Used For General Population
Via Infowars (emphasis added):
“A leaked email from January 2021, provided exclusively to Infowars, explained to colleagues and contractors at Pfizer’s Pearl River research site that site-essential workers would be offered COVID-19 vaccinations that are ‘separate and distinct’ from the doses Pfizer committed to governments worldwide.
‘I am pleased to inform you that we will begin offering COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible on-site essential colleagues and contractors over the next several weeks,’ reads the leaked Email. ‘Eligible on-site essential contractors will be notified, either by e-mail or by their Pfizer sponsor, and will receive instructions for registering for an on-site appointment as well.’
‘The vaccine doses to be used for this program are separate and distinct from those committed by Pfizer to governments around the world and will not impact supply to national governments in any way.’”
The obvious questions that Pfizer has not supplied the answer to but that essentially answers themselves regardless are: why hook your employees at your R&D center, upon whom the corporation relies to pump out products, with a “separate and distinct” vaccine? What was in the free and widely available public shots that you didn’t want your employees exposed to? And why did it take a leaked email to confirm this practice in the United States?
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield: ‘I’m obviously most worried about bird flu…In the laboratory I could make it highly infectious for humans in months’
Related: Congress Demands Oversight of US-Funded Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research in CCP Lab
Let’s get this out of the way upfront: when bird flu emerges and the government locks everyone down and the white coat goon squad goes on its needle rape-fest, and all of the lessons we should have learned and implemented in the aftermath of COVID-19 get tossed out the window, it’s going to be the fault of every single government and private sector actor with the power to affect relevant policy, no matter how minimal, who will be to blame.
Their current silence condemns themselves, and there will be no mercy on their souls granted. No more kindness, no more understanding, no more leniency.
This time around, it’s gloves off.
Chris Cuomo does 180-degree reversal on vaxx, suddenly believes in human rights and ivermectin
As documented in the Dore video below, Cuomo was singing quite a different tune regarding the fundamental human right to consent to medical experimentation and the WHO essential medicine ivermectin when he worked at Pfizer-sponsored The Most Trusted Name in News™ CNN.
That he’s just coming around now that he got fired for nepotism with his criminal governor brother speaks either to a deep cowardice or profound stupidity — or, seeing how he has comported himself at the network over many years as the resident male equivalent of a bleach-blonde Fox News bimbo, both.
Either way, I have zero interest in Cuomo waxing poetic on the dangers of an experimental gene therapy pushed on the public using fake trial data and bribes paid to corrupt regulators.
The counter-argument to writing Cuomo forever along with whatever stupid revelations he comes to three years late is that we need creatures of the establishment like him — whether in corporate media, government, or the pharma industry itself — to come around to our side to ever get anywhere, a particular variation of a common debate in anti-establishment politics.
Do we assimilate or annihilate?
The Christian thing to do is probably allow for redemption.
But, after the absolute technocratic hell these people have not only abided but cheerleaded over the last four years, I’m not inclined to countenance my better angels.
Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter and Locals.
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It must be mortifying for the thousands of useful idiots like Cuomo AND useful idiot doctors (of all people) to now have to concede that millions of lay people, with no medical training but a good sense of ominous gut feeling and a mind curious enough to go in search of information, got it right 3 years ago.
We weren't "scared of needles", we weren't "anti-social" or "rejecting authority" while waving freedom flags. We didn't want it BECAUSE WE LOOKED and what we found was disturbing.
Everyone else just got swept up in fear, fervour and delusion.
The mass Global response, identical in every country, should have given them a clue that there was coordinated pre-planning fuckery afoot, but it didn't even register.
Each and every one of us had the opportunity; we have the digital equivalent of a Library of Alexandria in our hands.
"In view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent".
~ Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, pg 7
And they led us ALL over a cliff.
I will never forgive them for that.
May 14th 2024 Plannedemic 3.0 is in Effectt: If they test a Cow Patty with a fake PCR test or some Chicken Poo, they will lockdown your city, kill all your animals and vaccinate you with poisons for Bird Flu, Checken Flu, Cow Flu and 150 other mandatory vaccines as part of the UN’s Vaccination Agenda 2030. Is bird flu spreading in YOUR state? CDC launches new dashboard so you can track where H5N1 is rising in wastewater Plannedemic 3.0: WHO Circle Jerking back to the Bird Flu Hoax ft Kill All Pets, Ban All Animals (Just like they do with the Chickens) with fake bird-flu! To Force Pandemic Treaty by May 10th.