I guess the NYTimes forgot about one William J Clinton, or a senile old coot whose own daughter details “inappropriate showers” with her father in her own journal….

But, then again- those men weren’t orange

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#MeToo was the most despicable type of trolling operation, obscuring actual victims of sexual abuse under a mountain of false accusers who they got lumped together with.

Keep two opposing ideas far enough apart and people can't bring them together. Is it not possible that Trump was A: Accused of legitimate indescretions he did while B: Letting only the liars, thieves, and otherwise morally depraved ones emerge to the surface?

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And the wheels on the bus go round and round...stupid is as stupid does. These folks will do and say anything to hold onto their petty sinecure. SAD

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Silence, sex, and sandwiches. Ladies, it's not that complicated.

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Good article! "The 125 devices will be worn by children volunteers in Year Five, but their parents will not be asked beforehand.", is all that you need to know. Maybe asking Jenny & Suzy if they wanted some extra skipping ropes would have sufficed?

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When I was at school the girls huddled together in groups talking while the boys ran around. Are the boys to be blamed because of girls well known propensity to stand in small groups and gossip about other people?

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