Only the insane would ever get another vaccine or mRNA injection after the events over the last 5 years.

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Unfortunately there's a lot of insane people around these days

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MedImmune rep at the FDA, “Look, we know it’s not great, but we are looking for a new CSO, so…”

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My sister gets her annual flu shots in the UK. My Dad did the same and eventually the last flu shot gave the NHS the opportunity to kill him. It is not possible to immunize against respiratory viruses. The only immune defense you get is your first exposure to a flu virus: usually as a child. The body remembers that virus signature, to which it builds a defense: from then on, you are immune to that virus signature. So the virus evolves, and you don't have immunity to future strains.

The drug companies take last year's strain and make a concoction: no-one is protected from the flu by this concoction, because the strain is naturally EOL: it's never going to come back, but many people are damaged and cumulatively weakened by the concoctions.

Annual flu vaccines are a junior Inca Sun Worship religion.

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"Less willing to get it," it is beyond insane to consider any product put out by Big Pharma, much less one that is old and ineffective when it did come out.

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Excellent article! And this is the kicker: "It's better than nothing"...Dr Grace Lee ...(professor of my ass, probably)..Stanford. (Commie Central)

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My wife is a nurse, and she used to have to get a flu shot every year. Until one year when it made her so sick she couldn't work for 5 weeks. After that they said OK, you don't have to get them anymore. When Covidiocy came along, we agreed that we were both willing to lose our jobs and our house if that's what it took to keep the mRNA poison out of our bodies. I did lose my job; she didn't. But I now have a much better job and we still have our house. And our health.

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