Liz Cheney is simply another faithless, graceless, charmless and clueless constituent of the contemporary, low rent, nominal ruling class of the US.

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Sep 6Liked by Ben Bartee

I hate you for the visual of Liz Cheney licking Rachel maddow’s taint… but that is exactly the imagery for the deep state and media

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"I have thought deeply about this" I guess this is supposed to give us a free pass for following her without thinking on our own. Simply delusional.

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While Populism has risen amongst the people (see Democracy), the cologne & cufflink elite of the "Right" still hold institutional power and influence. Even most of that ilk that go as far as publicly endorsing Trump are duplicitous weasels, actively working behind the curtain to sabotage the America First agenda. Here's to Trump Inc finally getting it right this time and not hitching it's wagon to those snakes.

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Trump's job is to kick the can down the road for the UNIparty and that is all he will do just like last time. He's a Democrat remember.

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i don't see him as Uniparty. The Trump mythology is he's a disruptor and reformer, but to your point he's actually been anything but at times. He's proven to be easily controlled and influenced. Too many times Trump hasn't been Trump enough. Maybe he's learned his lesson, or maybe not. Hoping he goes scorched earth on Daddy Government, if he's even allowed to win let alone isn't assassinated by deep state.

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Ahem... Juice, Trump is a duplicitous weasel in case you haven't noticed.

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If she really cared about the constitution she would hog tie her father and turn up at the nearest federal penitentiary with him and demand they both be put in solitary for the rest of their traitorous lives.

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Daddy Dick is a lifetime member and former director of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Lizzy was a one-term CFR member with a token StateDept job during the Bush/Cheney admin. Note that Bush Sr. was a CFR director, just before being installed as Reagan's VP, and the Clintons and Kerrys are also CFR members.

The CFR network has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. As usual, the "Biden team" is dominated by CFR members, including Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Mayorkas, Burns, Zients, Greenfield and dozens more. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/ See lists: cfr.org/historical-roster-directors-and-officers

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It’s 9/11 season!

23 years on and “if your not with us, you’re agin us” reverberates more than ever. We’re agin them and they’re agin us.

Cheyneys, Romneys, McCains, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Nuland. Senators. Reps. Supremes. State Dept, DoJ, FBI, CIA. Media. UN, WHO. CDC, FDA, TSA, DHS, CISA, NSA. Federal Reserve: we see you! All leaders of our Potemkin Empire stand before us in their finery, and we see them clearly. Stark Bollock Naked.

Liz - we see your sagging tits, your thunder thighs, your pounds of rolling fat and your lard arse as you parade on MSNBC.

We remember the Mossad moving company dancing with joy on the NJ rooftops, as the WTC came down. And we remember the CIA’s HW Bush leaning against that Dallas wall as JFK was assassinated, kicking of the rolling counter-revolution 61 years ago.

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Excellent analysis, she's a Communist now, then, and always has been, even when she pretended not to be, just like dear old dad.

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Ms. Cheney must be out of touch with reality. Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz aren't in this to defend your Constitution but to bring it down.


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"The problem here is that I would bet money that a Liz Cheney endorsement of Mamala will, if it has any effect at all, cause the inverse effect as intended, in that it will serve to drive more net voters away from Kamala than to her."

I don't understand. Why is this a problem?

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Vote the opposite of Liz if care at all about karma. 🙏

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... green-eyed jealous of President Trump, not just do the Bush-Cheney people want back their Republican party? It's the popularity! They long for his popularity! They want what's his; they want everything that's his. Had the assassination succeeded, Liz Cheney would have become fabulously wealthy, beyond her wildest dreams. Had the assassination succeeded? She stood a chance, being president - Samuel.

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... had president Trump been assassinated? Shades of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, Liz Cheney would have risen from the grave, to take the GOP nomination, and likely the 2024 presidency -

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Why do we give this person a platform? Probably because she is LBGTQ or that her father had a hand in the orchestration of 9/11 and D.C. might still try to shoot all of us with his shotgun.

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Cheney is just like her day, a soulless whore who will do anything for money and power

Trump is an actor playing the part of a hated enemy

When and if he gets elected - the chunk of normies on the right in the country will think (again) that he will “set things straight” (he won’t) and the normies on the left will suddenly discover that “America is racist and homophobic, and promptly return to burning cities and tearing down statues of white people”

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He didn't fix everything before, but he made a lot of improvements. I believe he can again.

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Psalm 27

1 “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.“

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The other family associated with the Butler affair goes directly back to the Cheneys, who probably hired him to do the job.

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