But, but, but, Buckwheat Barbie has a Masters from Columbia!

Surely that "accomplishment" is not due to DIE as well...

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Make America monumentous again.

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A great disservice to a beautiful dog, comparing it to that thing in DC.

But yeah the resemblance is unmistakable.

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The English language has been so badly butchered that people tend to make it up as they go along. Just to keep it real, I am guilty of saying 'ginormous'

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in your defense, you're not the White House Press Secretary

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I don't care how dumb someone is, maybe they can knit and I can't, but I don't forgive rudeness and she is rude to the core.

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These progressives have deeply troubling mindsets.

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aside : Dog People know that STANDARD poodles are fine Dogs, smart, athletic, capable... labradoodles of size might be okay Dogs...

the smaller, rodent-canine hybrids like toy poodles, are fashion accessories, not dogly Dogs...

raptor bait, really...

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