"Conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA, the originator of the conspiracy!

If you don't understand that, then I, we, everyone, can't hep you.

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Yep just needed to apply a label to them so people would categorize them as such and then ignore their commentary huh. Funny how the mind seems to be ok if it can just name and categorize without any real understanding. Explains the state of politics today huh.

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Exactly correct. unbelievably correct!

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What kind of people would sign up for such an experiment? Talking about the same stuff and receiving similar "debunking" from a human being would not change someone's mind in just a few minutes.

Here's a new conspiracy theory. This whole experiment was rigged to promote the use of AI as an educational tool by midwit bureaucrats.

I don't like "chatting" with AI and refuse to act like it's a person. GIGO used to be common knowledge. These bots are not as smart as folks say they are if you read the garbage "ideas" they often put out. This "consulting the Chat-Bot" is a superstition. Just like consulting tea leaves or other omens.

My guess is your typical "conspiracy theorist" would realize it was bovine excrement from the start and not sign up for the experiment.

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Damn AI algorithms everywhere we turn, of course 'they' want to try and re-educate us. Those pesky conspiracy theorists. I will link to this article tomorrow in a post scheduled to go out. Ties in nicely with my theme of "sense offenders", cheers Ben.

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The only way such works is if ones an idiot to begin with. Easily convinced people waffle all the time. It would be interesting to see if they could qualify ranges of IQ and then do the same experiment to see which IQ ranges are the most affected by con-bots.

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I predict that "progressive intellectuals" would be the most gullible. The bots are designed to reinforce the party narrative on any subject, and readily generate the type of prog-speak they were trained on, spinning endless variations on the same theme.

The problem is not so much the IQ as the lack of background knowledge. Most users will tend to accept any answer the bot spits out as factual, unless they *already* know it isn't correct. Attempting to argue facts or persuade one of these "pre-trained" bots is a waste of effort.

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Yep this is part of conditioning people to externalize their Knowledge. People don't Remember anything now that the bots can tell you anything you ask about. Nobody bothers checking the bots details, they just assume it wouldn't lie to them or share biased info as objective facts. The more people rely on some external gadget to do their thinking the more they become unthinking parrot automatons who can't do anything outside the triggers delivered by the constant psyop all Media has become.

The good news is they are then also to inept to protect or defend themselves so if they pick a fight, its gonna be sorted in short order. They'll just break down and cry about it and go complain to their group of clowns.

Its to bad tho that people stop taking in all the information they can find on a subject they are interested about, both good bad and indifferent facts, so that they can see it from multiple perspectives rather than just the one Siri or Alexa answers with. And they call that Progress huh. Idiots.

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Hillary can go suck on a taser.

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Reminds me of the scene in "Clockwork Orange" where a "patient" undergoes reprogramming by having his eyelids pinned open and is bombarded with audio visual "stimuli" . . .

Of course TPTB will try to apply AI chatbots for this. Very cost effective due to the bandwidth of CPUs and networks. It’s one-on-one "counseling" without the need (cost) of a live "counselor".

Of course, those who are unmoved will be identified for "enhanced . . . therapy".

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"Now researchers have found that such beliefs can be altered by a chat with artificial intelligence (AI)"

I smell cope.

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Hey Ben, thanks for another awesome article, and thanks for the lead on the AI "rejiggering" the public's perspective. I love the word. I dig some digging and learned some pretty fascinating things about the people behind this so-called "DebunkBot" -- it's all fleshed out in today's Torch Report, with a gracious hat-tip to Armageddon Prose! Link to report #625:


Keep up the good work. Stay frosty brother!!

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I would love to see the "conspiracy theorists" who got convinced that old Neil got thru the Van Allen belts and Lee Harvey was just a fickle guy who got off a lucky shot because of the authority of a computer programed by The Man.

I bet he's wearing Khakis and a crew cut.

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Computers are electronic filing systems. AI is only as good as the people programming it.

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When it comes to programming AI - garbage in - garbage out. Thank God there are plenty of researchers showing how bias is EASILY installed. O wait, that might just be another “conspiracy theory “

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Aaron was so young. Everyone must support the grayzone. They are getting attacked 🙏

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