Happy Friday, Ben! Before he can be Epsteined (similar to Bulgered and McAfee'd) Redfield has been Kennedy'd. To be Kennedy'd is often related to a bank infusion. Bear in mind the congenital corruption of the Fitzgerald Kennedy clan, in addition to their priapic tendencies. Kennedy is unelectable, and so being Kennedy'd is a safe choice for Democratic Party members seeking to distance themselves from the Biden Harris tumor whilst attempting to avoid the genuine risks* of excommunication brought on by announcing support for Trump.

Being Kennedy'd has the advantage of directly or indirectly shunting probable Trump votes up the Kennedy siding in the Electoral Railroad, whereas on a 2 track Electoral Railroad Trump wins in a landslide - and thus aiding the Security State in their attempt to install Heels-Up Harris.

[* genuine risks of "leaving The Party" include unemployment, FBI raids, lawfare, child porn planting, incarceration and being Epsteined, Bulgered or McAfee'd.]

Kennedy is a plant.

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You are a smart guy, Ben. Somehow I feel more anger toward Redfield because as you write, he knew the truth but still shilled for Pfizer and Moderna. That midwit Birks can hardly function, but Redfield knew damn well how this was playing out. He started tacking back from leftist pharmaco-fascism very early as if he knew the game all along. Now we are to believe he's "one of us." No Redfield. Some of us had the correct principled position from the outset.

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Redfeld trying to keep his ass out of jail .. he belong in jail with the rest of the Covid idiots in charge

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Ben there is a fine line between indulging in a little fantasy as recreation and existing in a state of self deception and delusion.

I hope you are engaging in the former.

If not - Dump had a presidency already. He is a known quantity. Under his zog puppetship, the antiChrist agenda warp sped ahead in ways I don't think it could have under a Clinton or even an Obama. There's some lesser of two evils fruit to chew on for those of that debased mindset.

I understand the childlike need to believe in Santa Claus. At some point, childish magical thinking and self delusion doesn't serve us well. Trump is a lifelong democrat NYC real estate con man. How can anyone still be falling for his act, growing more tiresome and predictable by the day? Since I know many that do are intelligent, self deception and delusion is the only explanation.

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This write-up has one of the best titles ever! Lol

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