"Clearing the lowest hurdle imaginable, Trump, in his limitless magnanimity, has allowed that he will “look at” prosecuting Fauci for perjury should he assume office once more."

LOL. Trump ain't doing shit. Fauxi and Trump are two peas in a pod. Trump LOVES the beautiful poison and the beautiful poisoner even more so.

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Which is worse?

Being a mealy mouthed about CovAids (DJT) or being mealy mouthed about Israhell (RFK & DJT)....

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Both are mass murder complicity - so both are the same.

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People said from day one that Trump was never MAGA but was always MIGA and the last few months have proved them to be correct without a shadow of a doubt.

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A little FUN from OPERATION COVIDIUS... Masks! Yeah still...


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Tedros is a war criminal and committed genocide back home long before he was ever taken on the the WHO to genocide us so when is the ICC going to raise an arrest warrant for him?

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Meanwhile, in NYC, Trump has been convicted.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Another John here.

A fake conviction for a fake patriot to garner him more votes from dupes. Trump is MIGA not MAGA and now there is no longer a shadow of a doubt about that in any right thinking American's eyes and ears.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me ....... and Trump is fooling tens of millions yet again, shame on them for falling for it.

No wall, no traitors in prison, poison jabs glorified not demonised, pushing genocide in Palestine and on and on and on the list goes.

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You can't fool a fool and anyone cheerleading for Fakestinians is a fool in its most extreme sense.

" First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People". "Death to America. Death to the Great Satan". "Death to Israel. Death to the Little Satan".

And to that, you suicidally spew BS against Israel.

It doesn't get more brain dead than that.

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No one who is Trumps real base is looking longingly at RFK Jr. While RFK’s stance on vaccines may not be mealy mouthed, some of his actions are, like requiring people invited to his Christmas gathering two years ago be vaxxed to appease his libtard wife. His stance until just lately on late term abortion, his stance on gun control, his stance on centralized health care etc is not a thing that real conservatives are longing for. That being said, you are right that we NEED and we WANT accountability. While it would be reassuring to hear Trump get bold and tough on prosecuting the crimes and the criminals that perpetrated the crimes, he knows that many of them are in his party! The Dems are already trying very hard to talk about his “revenge” agenda. He knows the RINOS don’t back him. By not pounding it out, he makes them sweat and not know for sure what he would or would not do. I don’t pretend to know what or how far he would go on prosecuting crimes, but that means the enemy doesn’t either, and that is a good thing. He should not be playing his hand overtly at this point. It would be foolhardy.

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May 30·edited May 30Author

IDK about your RFK point. Of course the vast majority of MAGA wouldn't ever go over to RFK but all that needs to happen is a small percentage to tip the scales. Trump wouldn't be so aggressively attacking him as he has recently if he and his consultants didn't realize the threat

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