There are still people in this world, even right here on Substack, who STILL think the vaccines were safe and effective. Unbelievable.

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A friend sent me this on the same topic: Mark Twain said ‘it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled.’

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I totally understand, say, in the "before times," butting heads with someone over minimum wage laws or the effects of taxation. But this is life and death, the subject matter of countless horror movies... wtf? I'll never understand the glee that people had rolling up their sleeves.

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I completely understand and agree.

It was the most evil and devious psyop ever conducted. More over, I don't think the final curtain has dropped yet; which is what we are discussing here:

After what most of us view as the complete list of every moral crime in the course of 'The Covid Operation', will come the "Witch Hunt". There we will see the true depths 'Humans'(?) can sink to. The Victims will not be restored.....And, The Real Perpetaitors (sic) will never be punished!

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I would like to see all the charlatans behind the Covid hoax homeless and destitute. Probably never happen, but they're going to get a lot worse than that when they have to face their Maker.

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Just Punishment is an attempt at "Prevention". It is not about Vengeance, which usually contains elements of guilt.

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In 6 or 7 weeks this issue may be on the back burners in America!

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As you state "This bill won't pass''

The best we can hope for is 'To remove the immunity of corporations'. That would be a great start!

Even if Governments; like Canada and the US were mandated to pay restitution for the harms their policies inflicted, there simply isn't enough money to "Make the victims whole."

Therefore, the focus must be on punishing those individuals who profited from harming the citizens!

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For anyone thinking: 'That destroying a Nation's Government' would be a good thing?

Remember that the Pharma Industry is only one head on this Hydra.... The Multinational Monster and the Oligarchs are more than willing to 'Step in' and provide us, with structure and control???

We need to hold our Political traitors and Grifters accountable and clean our own house.

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