COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
Trump’s Surgeon General pick: Not great
Via Politico (emphasis added):
“President-elect Donald Trump said Friday he has chosen Dr. Janette Nesheiwat to serve as surgeon general in his new administration.
Nesheiwat is a Fox News medical contributor and serves as a medical director at CityMD, a network of urgent care centers in New York and New Jersey.
“Dr. Nesheiwat is a fierce advocate and strong communicator for preventive medicine and public health,” Trump said in a statement. “She is committed to ensuring that Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare, and believes in empowering individuals to take charge of their health to live longer, healthier lives.”
Nesheiwat, who specialized in emergency and family medicine, has supported vaccines that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s nominee for HHS secretary, has cast doubts about.”
A brief and sordid history of Her Grace Esteemed Lady Dr. Janette’s public utterances in corporate media in service of perpetuating the COVID scam:
· praising Mark Zuckerberg for censoring "anti-vaccine" "misinformation"
· extolling the "vaccines" as a "gift from God."
· falsely claiming Delta was putting kids in hospitals in "record numbers" and "running out of ICU beds"
In any kind of righteous world, this disgraceful pharma whore would be facing a military tribunal for Mengele-tier criminality; instead, Trump wants to appoint her to a key position in his administration.
Brokeback bitch serving as Colorado governor immediately reverses support for RFK Jr.
Lest you think the historically unprecedented censorship campaign, which Dr. Janette championed and will presumably continue once she is confirmed as Surgeon General, is in the rearview mirror, consider the recent curious case of brokeback bitch Colorado governor Jared Polis.
Related: Did Populist Rage at Big Pharma Fuel Trump Victory? Election Data Indicates Maybe
First, he loves RFK Jr. for the modicum of justice he might deliver on behalf of American victims of the pharmaceutical industry.
Then, on a dime, after getting calls from his donors and probably from whoever has the kompromat of Polis doing whatever dirty deeds he would rather not have aired, he does a 180 and immediately smears RFK Jr. as an anti-vaxxer.
Via CPR News (emphasis added):
“One day after Colorado’s Democratic Gov. Jared Polis launched a nationwide initiative aimed at protecting state powers and democratic institutions in the wake of the Trump administration, he appeared to enthusiastically endorse President-elect Donald Trump’s controversial cabinet pick of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Health and Human Services Secretary in a post on X that received more than 6.4 million views by Thursday night.
Polis’ endorsement led to immediate pushback from Democrats and those in Colorado’s public health community. Kennedy is a former presidential candidate and anti-vaccine activist.
The governor later clarified that he disagreed with Kennedy on many issues…
In his endorsement post on X, Polis highlighted why he thought Kennedy was the right pick. He said he’s optimistic Kennedy could take on big pharma and the “corporate ag (sic) oligopoly to improve the health system.”
“I hope he leans into personal choice on vaccines rather than bans (which I think are terrible, just like mandates),” Polis wrote on X.
Polis said he supports some of Kennedy’s goals such as capping drug costs and leveling the playing field on drug costs internationally. Polis backs the importation of low-cost prescription drugs.
“Colorado currently has an application just SITTING at FDA for us to import low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and we just need their approval.”
The governor also said he agrees with Kennedy that the FDA’s nutrition department has to go and isn’t protecting kids.
“The entire nutrition regime is dominated by big corporate ag (sic) rather than human health and they do more harm than good,” said Polis.
A spokesman for the Governor reiterated in a statement provided to CPR that, despite his endorsement, Polis still opposes Kennedy’s stances on a host of issues such as “unscientific propaganda that undermines confidence in the lifesaving impact of vaccines” and banning fluoridation.
“Lest there be any doubt, I am vaccinated as is my family. I will hold any HHS Secretary to the same high standard of protecting and improving public health,” Polis wrote in an additional post explaining his endorsement.”
Profiles in courage.
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Trump is MIGA not MAGA.
How many times does he have to spit in his supporter's faces before they get it?
Well here we go as Pig Pharma never intends to ever leave your life. Do not trust ANY of these people in government, ever. They ARE not on your side. They are on the government's side and that will always equate to them being the master and us being the slaves.