“Clinicians are the heroes” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a FING joke …

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The hero narrative is so irritating. Nurses sat in empty hospitals and had nothing else to do than to choreograph, practice and perform dance videos. MDs broke their Hippocratic oath, couldn’t be bothered to do some logical thinking and exposed their trusting patients to a poison and other harmful “treatments” and most are still hiding behind pharma and pretending to be innocent do-gooders. As an healthcare’s system insider, I am so fed up with this monstrosity.

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The MDs and nurses who make me the angriest are those who "just followed the orders" in working with patients for over a year but drew the line at injecting their own bodies. That shows that they knew all was not right but steadily crammed ventilators down throats , injected people with run-death-is-near, and cut off the oxygen supply of toddlers and asthmatic old ladies with those stupid face masks--just to keep their paychecks.

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I had another PA refuse to see me at an Emergency appt because I am unvaccinated and could kill her minor child at home with my germs. She literally said that to my face 🤪🤪

Dr #2 kicked out of ..

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Good grief.

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I had a run in with a Nazi nurse one day when she was forcing us all in the waiting room to put on a mask. 1. COVID wasn’t even at a CDC mask spreading level and 2. They don’t work.

I said I had I printout in my phone that had 150 scientific studies proving masking doesn’t work for Covid

She told me it was Common Sense & Office Rules ..

The Dr kicked me out of practice ..

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They all need to be brought in front of juries … but I know that will never happen

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Many doctors are not that smart, just good at memorizing, following orders, and generating revenue for the hospitals. I think people are slowly beginning to realize this

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As I tell my family about American higher education and particularly about doctors, "They are good memorizers" but not necessarily good at applying what they know.

I started at my current doctor after dropping one who neglected and almost killed my wife, and her mother through negligence.

He seems to be continually explaining the medical system to me, the parts he likes and the parts he doesn't. He's 60 years old and I think feels a kinship to me at the same age. Idk how far we'll have to go to find an honestly trying doctor when he retires.

At one point our son was driving 3 hours round trip to see him.

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They lack creative and critical thinking skills.

Today's medical care requires memorizing indexes and handbooks, following orders, and figuring out the most lucrative billing methods. And little else.

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And they don't have to memorize as much as they used to; all the info is on their iPad.

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We have effectively nationalized healthcare already. My doctor explained how the money works and it will go to another GP if you don't check our boxes.

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First off, Big Pharm in general slithered into schools a long time ago. Did you know of the questionnaire they give kids about their mental/emotional states, so they can get them on SSRI's?

Two, I found that shaming bit quite disgusting. Trying to shame people back into trusting the Medical/Pharmaceutical Complex? Just bite me. I'll come see you for a trauma event, but you're damn near worthless for anything else. There are other cures for illnesses, but seems you've blackballed them through the years.

Three, shove your Covid fear mongering up your ass sideways. I'm not spending money on tests, AND I DO NOT REGRET FOR ONE MINUTE THAT I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR JAB.

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Also, I agree with the emergency or tauma use and do our own research into everything else before seeking their help or guidance.

I often wonder how many people they mislead on cancer treatments, too.

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Dang! Your madder even than me and the author.

I'm mad. They ruined my wife's health and she's on disability. They neglected her mother who found and sought treatment after reading her own medical reports. Decades ago they killed my grandpa with anesthetic.

Idk why people imbue them with trust and virtue.

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Because they've been programmed to since Rockefeller destroyed every branch of natural medicine, what, a hundred or so years ago. All so he could peddle his petroleum based, chemical bullshit. Yes, I'm mad. Mad that they're still getting away with it to this day. They do their own clinical trials on their own poisons, how does anybody think that's going to turn out? Even their "unbiased 3rd party testing" is bullshit. If that 3rd party doesn't give them the results they want, that 3rd party knows they won't get hired again. Follow the money, baby!

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Indoctrinate and jab them as much as possible while young and they are yours for life, albeit a shortened life. No matter they still make money and depop at the same time - what a world..

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Haha “get a booster”

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I just got mine. Reading this was an anti-propaganda booster.

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If big pharma drugs were worth a damn, they would sell themselves.

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The ones that are worth a damn are cheap and don't need to be advertised. Like trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. I was prescribed some about 20 years ago for cellulitis in my leg. Very painful. The stuff was practically free, and the leg started improving within a couple of hours of the first dose. Other than the doctor, nobody made any money. I Never see it advertised.

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Sulfa drugs and older antibiotics (amoxicillin, doxycycline, et al) are the only ones I'll take. The newer ones make me feel just awful. If I get bronchitis, I have to fight with my GP to get him to prescribe me the older stuff.

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I wonder if they’ll teach the kids about the billions of dollars they paid in fines for fraud.

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Mule dykes and low intelligence public are my favorite part.

I do wish I could help Ben with his abiding anger but he is very colorful.

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They are grooming kids to be lifelong users of their drugs. Which will ruin and prematurely end many of their young lives. No different from the crack dealer who hands out free samples to kids as they leave school.

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They call those things "robot dogs" but they remind me more of giant insects.

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But it will be very effective at attracting the interest of children. It's the bait.

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Pfizer=real life Silver Shamrock corporation.....

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