From the little I've learned over the past 4 years of the occulted and sordid history of "vaccination"? You could put a gun to my head and pull the trigger before I'll ever take another vaccine.

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I used to get the tetanus jab regularly. Not ever again. I got suspicious 10 yrs ago when they started putting the diphtheria in with it. Who gets diphtheria? I've cut the crap out of myself twice gutting a chicken. Cleaned it, put WoundSeal & Steri-Strips on it, and not even an infection.

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Right. I stabbed myself with a rusty nail a few years ago and, reluctantly, decided to get the tetanus shot. I was informed that I could only get a DPT shot, and afterwards was told that my vaccination was now registered with the state. I asked the doctor why they didn’t also give me an ear tag ( she didn’t get the joke). When I researched the tetanus vaccine I learned that it takes almost a month to be effective, which means it is useless if you’ve already been infected. Since then I’ve learned enough about vaccines to never take another…unless it can be proven to be safe and effective. Highly unlikely.

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That maybe a reality one day …. At my last physical one of the questions was “will you ever take a vaccine in the future” …

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I will get the jab when Chris Christie breaks the pole vault record the day after he wins the Tour de France. Or after the Clintons. the 0bamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Soros all donate their entire net worths to the Mises Institute.

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I imagine they'll donate their net worth some time after they given themselves to Christ and then gone to the World Court and confessed to the Crimes Against Humanity they've committed...🙄

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..."’Vaccinated people are still dying of Covid so there’s no point in getting vaccinated’. Ok dumbass, stop wearing a seatbelt while you drive then,”"...If you get a mRNA injection you probably won't need a seal belt for very long.

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54% detection-value of stupidity and gullibility.

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"agency blames' misinformation'"...yeah, and all those dead and disabled people are just figments of your imagination. Who do you trust, us, or your own lying eyes?

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"Last year’s vaccine offered 54 percent protection against symptomatic Covid infections, according to a CDC study.”

Now they are at 54%, used to be 98%, I guess we can call this "progress!"

Do not get the clot shot no matter what! NO MATTER WHAT!

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I just want all morons to keep on taking them...

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Unfortunately They're all still alive.

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Millions were already culled... And are dying each day. The m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab is truly miraculous.

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I think they are holding it back as last ditch “October surprise” to take down Trump

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Edward Dowd: Sentencing for Covid crimes should include, in addition to prison time, compliance with all ten of the CDC recommended mRNA vaccine boosters.

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In that survey they had to add another hundred people due to attrition. I wonder how much of that attrition was "sudden and unexpected."

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The chutzpah of these vax nazis is beyond belief.

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She was the disease; her covaid$ death squirt "cured" her. Good riddance to mutts and gullible clown$. Onward to the end of the disgusting angloZionaZi empire of filth.

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Isaiah 66:4

“I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.“

Man’s law or God’s Law


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54% effective?

Funny, because I know a handful of unvaxxed folks (like my family and me) who have NEVER got a second "case of covid."

How do they calculate that? I'm serious

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All I know who got jabbed got the “covid”. No jab = no “covid.

None of the jabbed I know will admit to regretting their decision. They defend it by talking about “Covid “deaths””.

Still won’t read articles condemning their view.

TV watchers all!

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