Oct 14Liked by Ben Bartee

Guilt is always the tool of the religious fanatic. The Democrats are no exception to this rule!

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I love that phrase "historically repulsive" !!! Fits her to a T !!!

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This one is going to be much more difficult to rig as the combo of Kamaltoe and Tampon Tim is actually more disgusting and repulsive than Hellary herself.

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Feel comforted,it won't happen!

It won't happen because the voting public is scared!

Fools Who become frightened Usually turn into political geniuses when voting.

The old saying about the sight of the gallows!

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55% of the electorate supposedly. Yet, once in a while they still lose. All due to arrogance.

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I've made up my mind! I know exactly who I'm voting for; no one is going to change my mind!

MAGA all the way!

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The Problem is long term:

It's 3rd rate Public Schools that never teach young children how to critically & objectively think!

This has been done deliberately on orders from the vested interests that really control the nation!

They don't want their Plebes to get too clever, Just smart enough to be productive workers who produce wealth!. Never have a truly free society without truly educated voters.

This is a long term project however!

Are there any Adult Courses to teach adults how to think Critically?

Just checked,there are actually online courses !

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... those assimilated into the democrat collective are loosely characterized, by George Romero's 5 rules of the Zombie:

1). Zombies are slow moving -

e.g., democrats muct grope, to intellectualize their hypocrisy (e.g., opposed to the death penalty for criminals, yet favor summary capital punishment in the mutilization of innocent, unborn children?) -

2). Zombies are photosensitive;

e.g., true nature of the democrat people tends to come out, only at night -

3). Zombies lust for human flesh -

e.g., child mutilation; abortion, forever wars; vax mandates -

4). Zombies can only be killed by a shot to the head -

e.g., democrats don't change. They believe what they believe. Period. That's that. No matter how theoretically impeccable we may be, we can hope to make no impression upon democrat people, whatsoever. Being a democrat, you don't have to be right. The only thing that matters to a democrat is, winning. Democrats lie, to win arguments. The only hope, impressing upon a democrat, a shot to the head -

5). Get bit, you die, and come back a Zombie! -

e.g., like the Borg, once assimilated into the democrat collective, you no longer exist as a free, objective, free thinking human being. Once assimilated into the democrat collective, you assume your place in the pecking order. And, you do what Whoopie Goldberg tells you to do! You think what Whoopie Goldberg tells you to think! Or, else! - q.e.d.

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Corporatism=Fascism= MSM propaganda. All tidy and neat, just as the globalists have ordered their highly paid puppets to spew. Even in their supposed panic, it is a well run machine.

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Sadly, warp speed murdering Epstein guilty Israeli dingus slurping traitor Trump is literally the antichrist. I'm not joking. Compare with biblical verses


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Trade your corroded brain in for something more appropriate!

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... this is what Whoopie Goldberg told dearest Larry 47464, to think - Samuel

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... anywhere you find yourself, in close proximity to a democrat person, watch out. Fot gosh sakes, try your best to keep your distance. Extremely volatile, these people turn on dime. No rhyme, no reason, they become violent, unhinged, they go berserk at the drop of a hat. Ever notice, how the democrat people become more and more like the Muslims, every day? -- Samuel.

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... indicative of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, here we are, surrounded by zombie democrat ditto-heads, arms outstretched, coming to get us, coming to assimilate us, into their democrat zombie collective! - Samuel.

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Better than baby murdering terrorist scumbag Israel who started as irgun terrorists and are isis terrorists today and funded Hamas and staged the October 7 false flag event and should be nuked. Trump literally is the antichrist


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You are one furked up individual!

The scrapings off the bottom of the human Gene pool!

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... can you imagine, having to awaken every morning, beside Kamala? Beside, Hillary? Maxine Waters? Nanzi Pelozi? What kind of guys must they be married to, that they haven't yet committed suicide? - Samuel

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