The entity is also a big fan of Marxist, Luciferian incantations such as "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been", aka worshipper of Baphomet the demonic deity. I borrowed from James Lindsay's X thread for this one - the video montage he included has been disabled by X! The controllers mustn't like it being talked about and deconstructed. https://nicholascreed.substack.com/p/baphomet-representing-transhumanism?r=16xjwn

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Thanks, we needed that.

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... stooping low to rise high, sleeping her way to the top, all the way to the White House? $64 thousand question, how many guys must she have slept with? - Samuel

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The Cackling Camel is a fake as the day is long. This Potemkin Village analogy is dead spot on. And her "admirers" don't even care if the whole thing is fake, so long as those benefits and gov't jobs just keep on coming. Where all the political theatre is headed is anybody's guess at this point, but the ride certainly is exhilarating for its naked lies and crimes, which the clueless sheeple seem not the least interested in correcting.

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Sheeple a cross between people and sheep? I love it!

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I am astounded you have not run across the term yet. Yours must be a very small country. Yes, I was a Sheeple once upon a time, living in a world constructed by the Satanic Pederast Banksters and having no clue. Democrat or Republican? Vatican Catholic or London Protestant? Coke or Pepsi? McDonalds or Subway? All wings of the same bird.

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As the post below clearly shows, Twitter is not Liberated.

Its owned by a Luciferian CIA creation called Musk, whose Chief censor started out just like he did, at the WEF.

Its dangerous to keep propagating the myth that Musk is a Good Guy.

He is not.

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for the record, I use "liberated Twitter" satirically. I don't trust Elon Musk further than I can throw him. But the platform is undeniably more free now than it was before he took it over, which in and of itself is a good thing.

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So true but if he helps getting the Donald in the white house we just might have chance to make America great again obviously only with Jesus, the one and only

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Donald is also an Actor. A very good one no doubt. Never forget Warp Speed. And debt our children must confront grows ever larger no matter who sits on the throne.

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Re: "the internet, especially via liberated Twitter, has facilitated more transparency into the machinations of the political machine." ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!

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But K pop has done one better, creating a whole Potemkin world for what 1/3 of the likely votes of this country, old partisans with cable TV and feeble minds. That group will never see this story.

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