Reparations going forward in California, New York. This isn’t a coincidence, just a plan.
Why would a State pay reparations to all African Americans in that particular State, even if their enslaved ascent was in another State? Even 2024-immigrants from Africa? Even illegal immigrants of African descent?
What if that descent misceginated with slave descent? Would they get reparation if they look white?
How do you distinguish the slave descent of post-bellum immigration from Africa or even people of African descent coming from Europe or any other place of the world?
How many could prove descent of an ante-bellum slave when most genealogical records are lost?
What if they also are the descent of black slaveholders?
Considering that the reparation money will come from taxes from everybody, then it means that:
• The non-Caucasians would be also paying reparations (Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans!!!).
• Those of African descent would be also paying taxes for reparations!!!
The descent of antebellum poor whites, who didn’t own slaves, will have to pay for a “crime” their ascent never committed! Reparations assumes that all whites owned slaves! They are assuming whites are presumed guilty without being able to disprove their “innocence” of a crime which was completely legal: applying a retroactive law is illegal in every single country of the world!
Even in their twisted anti-white racism... why should Asians and Hispanics pay for something that happened before they migrated to the USA? Why should the postbellum white-immigrants (Irish, Italians, Polish) pay?
Then what’s the excuse to deny reparations to the Irish who were indentured (a type of contract slavery)? Because they are white?
Why should the descent of a person pay for his mistakes (which were legal at the time)? Even after 7 generations? For how many generations should we retroactively liable to any modern law applied to the past? Should the Egyptians pay reparations to the Jews for their enslavement thousands of years ago? Should the Jews pay reparations to the Canaanite tribes?
Should Americans pay reparations to the mothers pushed into abortion (a type of slavery, considering a human being as a thing)? What if we define prostitution as slavery (woman=thing, object of commerce)? Reparations to prostitutes?
The whole historical reparation concept is just a psy-op to divide people and create perpetual resentment, blaming, self-victimization, envy, distrust, uncooperation, conflict, aggression, desire for revenge, revenge.
It’s impossible to amend historical injustice without more injustice. Perfect justice is God’s job in the Final Judgement. Let’s try not to believe we can become gods.
It wasn't just the Irish who were indentured slaves I'm pretty sure around a third of people moving to the US in the early days were white indentured slaves from Europe most of whom died in slavery before paying off their purchase cost to their "owners".
The civil war was about preventing the cessation of the South because the South was being robbed blind by ever higher taxes and wanted to leave which would have left a huge hole in the finances of the Northern states. The war against slavery nonsense was just a cover for Lincoln ripping up the constitution and using it for toilet paper and that is the model of theft and lies the US has used in all its wars around the world on people far less able to defend themselves ever since. Lincoln destroyed what the US could have been and nothing to do with emancipation of anyone and everything to do with enslaving every white person in the South.
What a fop. Profanities? Shit dog. Now you're talking: Republicans and Democrats and CIA and Mossad and billionaires and the InBred UnUnited Queendom and EuroTrashLandia and Klanada and U$A. Fucking A, you got it right with those collective cunts. Throw in the 14 Eyes terrorists and you got profanities.... Cunts one and all.
Trump gives out facts? What the fuck? This Substack like them all are echo chambers of mostly gullible Goyim attempting to rationalize their stupidity and plain racism or bias or prejudice or plain toxic emasculated cunt thinking. For sure. Are you saying reparations for the crimes of EuroTrashLandia and Klanada and InBred UnUnited Queendom paid to the Jews of the Raping Murdering Maiming Starving Occuping Palestine are not coming out of your tax bill? Fucking 1.6 of global population has snookered the fucking white replacement mother fucking crackers.
Did I read this correctly?....."measures banning discrimination based on natural hairstyles."
Oh man, that just made me spill coffee out'a my orifices this morning. Thanks for the laugh. I'm now going to re-watch some old back and white Lil'Rascle episodes, Spanky.
As Malcolm X said the black man will never be respected by other races until he stops blaming them for his every ill and demanding money from them. He said the only way to get respect was to refuse to take the white man's money and build prosperous black communities themselves. He also said that even if those communities were not as rich as the white man's that the other races would still respect them because they didn't have their hand out for hand outs. He was of course 100% correct which was why the government murdered him, they hate self reliance as their control over the people then fades away. The same reason the British government is demanding people register their chickens, control of the food supply.
Basically outside of religion black people had two other routes out of their ills in the 1960's, the above one espoused by Malcolm X and the other of sticking their hand out and grifting off the white man that Martin Luther King pushed and sadly most black people followed the grifter route and the ills black people have today are ten times worse than back then because by following that route the only thing they did build within their communities were murderous gangs fighting for the hand-out scraps from the white man's table. None of this was the white man's fault but was entirely the fault of those black people who refused to act on Malcolm X's words that are not in some dusty old book down at the library but are on YouTube, for now at least, though they will disappear as fast as a snowflake in hell if black people ever started watching them and acting on them. They have done their 40 years plus in the MLK wilderness and it is time they ditched that false prophet and followed the real one who isn't Donald J Trump, .... who is simply the white man's MLK another grifter of a lighter shade.
Oh Malcom said how dirty the white Jew is and he was in solidarity with of course Palestine. He was a pan African. And alas the white man, I e., Western Civilization is the cancer of the world ...
Reparations going forward in California, New York. This isn’t a coincidence, just a plan.
Why would a State pay reparations to all African Americans in that particular State, even if their enslaved ascent was in another State? Even 2024-immigrants from Africa? Even illegal immigrants of African descent?
What if that descent misceginated with slave descent? Would they get reparation if they look white?
How do you distinguish the slave descent of post-bellum immigration from Africa or even people of African descent coming from Europe or any other place of the world?
How many could prove descent of an ante-bellum slave when most genealogical records are lost?
What if they also are the descent of black slaveholders?
Considering that the reparation money will come from taxes from everybody, then it means that:
• The non-Caucasians would be also paying reparations (Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans!!!).
• Those of African descent would be also paying taxes for reparations!!!
The descent of antebellum poor whites, who didn’t own slaves, will have to pay for a “crime” their ascent never committed! Reparations assumes that all whites owned slaves! They are assuming whites are presumed guilty without being able to disprove their “innocence” of a crime which was completely legal: applying a retroactive law is illegal in every single country of the world!
Even in their twisted anti-white racism... why should Asians and Hispanics pay for something that happened before they migrated to the USA? Why should the postbellum white-immigrants (Irish, Italians, Polish) pay?
Then what’s the excuse to deny reparations to the Irish who were indentured (a type of contract slavery)? Because they are white?
Why should the descent of a person pay for his mistakes (which were legal at the time)? Even after 7 generations? For how many generations should we retroactively liable to any modern law applied to the past? Should the Egyptians pay reparations to the Jews for their enslavement thousands of years ago? Should the Jews pay reparations to the Canaanite tribes?
Should Americans pay reparations to the mothers pushed into abortion (a type of slavery, considering a human being as a thing)? What if we define prostitution as slavery (woman=thing, object of commerce)? Reparations to prostitutes?
The whole historical reparation concept is just a psy-op to divide people and create perpetual resentment, blaming, self-victimization, envy, distrust, uncooperation, conflict, aggression, desire for revenge, revenge.
It’s impossible to amend historical injustice without more injustice. Perfect justice is God’s job in the Final Judgement. Let’s try not to believe we can become gods.
Kamala’ secret:
It wasn't just the Irish who were indentured slaves I'm pretty sure around a third of people moving to the US in the early days were white indentured slaves from Europe most of whom died in slavery before paying off their purchase cost to their "owners".
One of my penniless Irish immigrant ancestors fought in Lincoln's army. Like actually literally fought in a real war to end slavery.
So when the reparations go through, I'm gonna be expecting my cut. Right? Right??!
The civil war was about preventing the cessation of the South because the South was being robbed blind by ever higher taxes and wanted to leave which would have left a huge hole in the finances of the Northern states. The war against slavery nonsense was just a cover for Lincoln ripping up the constitution and using it for toilet paper and that is the model of theft and lies the US has used in all its wars around the world on people far less able to defend themselves ever since. Lincoln destroyed what the US could have been and nothing to do with emancipation of anyone and everything to do with enslaving every white person in the South.
We getting reparations from the dirty Jews of UkroNaziLandia and Adolph Netanyahu and his Zyklon Blinken crew?
Here's the white trash leader of the racist mother fucking maga mutts. Reparations from trillions paid for USA uniformed mother fucking mercenaries?
Go after your confederate brothers, first.
Listen to your cunt.
Do what you think is right': Trump tells Netanyahu he supports operations in Lebanon and Gaza
According to sources told The Washington Post, the telephone conversation between the Republican and the Israeli prime minister took place this month.
Senator Lindsey Graham* said that during the conversation, Trump expressed admiration for the high-profile operation to blow up pagers.
Earlier, the former US president said that Netanyahu is doing his job well and Biden should not hold him back.
No problem with what is happening in Palestine whatsoever...
Word salad tastes so much better with a pinch (or heaping bucket-full) of lumpenprole profanity for seasoning.
What a fop. Profanities? Shit dog. Now you're talking: Republicans and Democrats and CIA and Mossad and billionaires and the InBred UnUnited Queendom and EuroTrashLandia and Klanada and U$A. Fucking A, you got it right with those collective cunts. Throw in the 14 Eyes terrorists and you got profanities.... Cunts one and all.
Profanity doesn't change the facts though do they? Can you actually refute any of them?
Trump gives out facts? What the fuck? This Substack like them all are echo chambers of mostly gullible Goyim attempting to rationalize their stupidity and plain racism or bias or prejudice or plain toxic emasculated cunt thinking. For sure. Are you saying reparations for the crimes of EuroTrashLandia and Klanada and InBred UnUnited Queendom paid to the Jews of the Raping Murdering Maiming Starving Occuping Palestine are not coming out of your tax bill? Fucking 1.6 of global population has snookered the fucking white replacement mother fucking crackers.
Did I read this correctly?....."measures banning discrimination based on natural hairstyles."
Oh man, that just made me spill coffee out'a my orifices this morning. Thanks for the laugh. I'm now going to re-watch some old back and white Lil'Rascle episodes, Spanky.
We have been slaves to the US government since the day we was born...where's ma munee?
As Malcolm X said the black man will never be respected by other races until he stops blaming them for his every ill and demanding money from them. He said the only way to get respect was to refuse to take the white man's money and build prosperous black communities themselves. He also said that even if those communities were not as rich as the white man's that the other races would still respect them because they didn't have their hand out for hand outs. He was of course 100% correct which was why the government murdered him, they hate self reliance as their control over the people then fades away. The same reason the British government is demanding people register their chickens, control of the food supply.
Basically outside of religion black people had two other routes out of their ills in the 1960's, the above one espoused by Malcolm X and the other of sticking their hand out and grifting off the white man that Martin Luther King pushed and sadly most black people followed the grifter route and the ills black people have today are ten times worse than back then because by following that route the only thing they did build within their communities were murderous gangs fighting for the hand-out scraps from the white man's table. None of this was the white man's fault but was entirely the fault of those black people who refused to act on Malcolm X's words that are not in some dusty old book down at the library but are on YouTube, for now at least, though they will disappear as fast as a snowflake in hell if black people ever started watching them and acting on them. They have done their 40 years plus in the MLK wilderness and it is time they ditched that false prophet and followed the real one who isn't Donald J Trump, .... who is simply the white man's MLK another grifter of a lighter shade.
Oh Malcom said how dirty the white Jew is and he was in solidarity with of course Palestine. He was a pan African. And alas the white man, I e., Western Civilization is the cancer of the world ...