The thing they are desperate to hide with this hogwash is that there was no novel virus, there was no pandemic, they just killed millions of pensioners on purpose with Midazolam, Morphine and Remdesivir. Viral pandemics are impossible and have never happened. That truth of course would wreck their pandemic industry so they will never admit the truth.

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The only bats I see are the ones that are in the belfry of these people who think anyone with a functioning brain are going to believe what comes out of their collective mouths.

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Chortle 😊

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Limited Hangout to cover up DoD involvement(as Dr. David Martin has laid out) or just more Revelation of the Method (https://web.archive.org/web/20210805234941/https://gunsandbutter.org/transcript-the-alchemical-processing-of-humanity-through-public-psychodrama.htm)?

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Very good. Thanks!

It's all a game. Like when that mentally-deranged tranny girl who shot up her Christisn school in Knoxville or wherever.

They dangle the "manifesto" that "you can't read" like a ball of string before We The Kittens and everyone gets fixated on "the FBI is still investigating her motive".

This keeps the topic of the CIA/FBI/DoD serial criminality out of the conversation, as they sagely scratch their heads and use their house papers (NYT & WaPo) to let the rubes know they are doing their best to help us solve the puzzle. They are still earnestly trying to help us solve the puzzle of JFK's murder...bless their cotton socks.

Meanwhile, they are destroying hen/egg production facilities after releasing the latest scare Avian Flu virus from USDA facilities.. We have a perpetual state of crisis, and they don't have answers but they sure will do their dang best to figure out what's behind it all.

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And pigs might fly.

The only reason the US regime gave the Wuhan lab the virus from Fort Detrick and the financing to play with it was so the US regime would have plausible deniability when they attacked China with it at the Wuhan games that "athletes" from Fort Detrick competed at.

Remember years before the regime members had been guffawing at meetings about not having to worry about China as a competitor as they were going to give China a "cold".

The US regime is pure evil as is every other regime in the West it gets its bloody mitts into and the world will smell much fresher when they have all gone, they chose their side and they have to live with the consequences.

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I am reminded of the little Spy vs Spy cartoons from Mad Magazine: why exactly are they trying to kill each other? What is the mission of the see eye aaay? When they so obviously engage in finger-in-the-wind limitedhangoutry storytelling like this? Cue Agent 86: "wouldyoubelieeeve a bat kissed a pangolin? Okay... chinese superscientists crossed a beagle with some sea monkeys...?"

We will know for sure when the company releases "all" the Kennedy and King files and the takeaway is "mistakes were made" instead of "we did it," that nothing has changed and the same old fundamentals still apply.

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None other than the seasonal flu emerged with a new moniker called covid that was meant to terrify the public as the public is exceptionally easy to terrify when it comes to viruses that cannot be seen or proven to exist.

They incorporated a PCR testing system that created billions of imaginary covid patients almost instantly. Even if you weren't really sick or ill with true covid, the thought that you tested positive would send shivers to your brain causing a negative reaction...you got sick as your body was just following the orders you sent it with a positive PRC evaluation for covid that was totally fake.

So many planetary residents (several billions in fact) were psyched out over the possibilty of being taken out with spooky covid viruses, that they become sick with exaggerated flu. End of story.

I ask you, is the DEI-intensive CIA capable of inventing this scenario? I don't think so and neither are the Wuhanians.

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Watch opening ceremony 2012 Olympics, 13 minute Satanic ritual dedicated to an invading virus named COVID -19, Look at CISM games in Wuhan China late October 2019, GMO talipia viral infected released in lakes where Triathilon was held. Also infected migrating birds in Ukraine that migrated to Italy , the first country of the west to get hit. CIA-Criminals in action

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