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A topic near and dear to my heart. As a physician (M.D. and DAOM - doctor of chinese medicine) with 15 years clinical experience, I can say categorically, that vaccines have never produced a positive outcome, ever, in the history of humanity. Anyone who does not hold that same contention, either has not read and researched enough yet, or has some other agenda. Yes, I'm speaking strongly here; as they are that dangerous. It is the most important thing to know about one's health history when doing a medical intake. That, and their exposure to EMF/radio frequency (quickly catching up to vaccines as one of the most important things to be aware of, if one's wishes to remain healthy).

To date, I have well over 2,000 hours research on vaccines, and have in my library over 60 books on vaccines. There's an ocean of information as to the real danger of vaccination. If people simply look up books on vaccines in amazon and read the innumerable comments by readers, even that will unravel the reality.

Here's just one tiny drop in that ocean - Dr Suzanne Humphries presentation (from 2015) on aluminum; just E adjuvant in vaccines. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dk1BYalDGapI/

Another world renowned expert on aluminum - Dr. Christopher Exley. He's on substack, among other places. And that is just one ingredient typically found in vaccines. A presentation he gave in 2018 on aluminum specific to the HPV vaccine - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9hxxiqeMvKuj/

As for RFK Jr. - the entire Kennedy family is very suspect, in my opinion. RFK had two ancestors who both signed into law completely pro vaccine legislation that were key to foisting this mess on an unsuspecting population. Anyone can look them up. RFK Jr. He is insanely pro-Israel (Zionist) and completely whitewashed what is allegedly happening in Palestine right now. Didn't anyone hear his recent comments? And he is still pro-vaccine. Do people still really not see that voting for any candidate will not bring about the levels of change we would need? Full disclosure, I personally do not hold out for a political based solution.


Now, is sharing this information on substack going to usher in the re-education, and persuasive narrative we need at the (way beyond) 11th hour, to affect a revolution and change (for real(? Nope. I choose to hang out at haunts like this simply for a modicum of camaraderie. Feel free not to look at the links, as such.

Billion dollar medical advice - never take a vaccine, for any reason whatsoever. They were never ever safe, nor effective, and never will be.

I knew long before the 'pandemic' that:

a) it was coming (by simply reading things like the PREP Act, Lockstep from the Rockefeller website etc.), and from seeing much medical hoaxing leafing up to it.

b) never to take ANY vaccine, ever. (so any germ claim would be only leading to their solution - a vaccine.)

c) that good health is actually fairly simple; it is people who are complex.

It is my well informed speculation today that, they (BigHarma) does not even publish on their package inserts (found on the FDA's website) all of the actual constituent ingredients that are allegedly contained in any given vaccine batch. Do not trust BigHarma; it is clearly psychopathic in nature and does not have a shred of concern for you or your family's health. They are lying across the board to you.

An added 'fun' bit. Word etymology often dives deep in revealing the true nature of our reality. One I discovered some time ago by simply playing with words a bit:

Go to any Latin to English translator, and put in (with intentional spacing)....

"Sci enti fic" - you will see:

**Know that it is FICTION**

Try it yourself, don't believe me!

Thanks for covering this topic, Ben.

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