Thailand seems to have an unusually large proportion of boys and so men whose brains have been feminized, presumably in-utero, regarding their sense of self and/or what sex they are attracted to as adults.

If just the sense of self is strongly feminized, then they feel, profoundly, partly or fully female - just as most normal girls and women do. If just the other, then they feel male and are partially or fully attracted to males.

If both aspects of the brain are fully feminised, then the person resembles an ordinary girl or woman in many respects, but has a male body - though I guess one which is not big and butch, due to the influence of the presumably strong in-utero hormonal imbalance on other aspects of how the body builds itself.

This is surely increasing in Western countries, compared to 50 years ago, due to increasing use of soy products, which contain phytoestrogens, by pregnant moms-to-be. Also, in the West, there is increasing oral and topical use of the very strongly phytoestrogenic pueraria mirifica, the most powerful ingredient of various bust improvement creams and tablets.

As best I understand it, pueraria mirifica is very widely used in Thailand and other countries nearby.

Pueraria mirifica is a root vegetable which grows mostly in parts of Thailand and Myanmar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueraria_mirifica.

I have never seen anyone else state this, but it is obvious to me that women of childbearing age making use of these products, while pregnant, will lead to the very high prevalence of M-F trans people, both those who are attracted to females and to males, since the phytoestrogens probably cross the placenta and so feminise the way the fetus builds its own brain. This high prevalence of M->F trans people is well-known https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathoey though I don't know of any study which quantifies it. This 2008 article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7529227.stm reports on a school with a third set of toilets for M->F trans students. This is in north-east Thailand, where pueraria mirifica grows most prolifically, and where it is used as a food.

Hopefully the resilience of Asian cultures to being drawn into the guilt-pyramid, identity politics, performative virtue signaling, woke religion has not exposed most children and adolescents to the extraordinarily toxic social contagion and celebration of all things trans, with adolescent girls especially prone to thinking that their struggles with self-identity and general happiness is due to them being "misgendered at birth", a problem to be rectified urgently with hormonal treatment, male presentation and naming, and before long, surgery.

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that's a fascinating theory about the root vegetable. never heard it, but ill look into it

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sorry for all the typos, ladies and gentlemen. those have been addressed with all due haste

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The ultimate play is the demonic goal to "kill steal and destroy" humanity. It is the rot in societal foundation being pushed fwd exponentially such that the rumblings of total orchestrated collapse can be now heard.

As you said Marxists play the long slow patient game then suddenly it is upon us. They believe "tear down to rebuild" (build back better). Clearly, without a moral - God defined - foundation society will digress not progress. History is repleat with examples.

As Tucker Carlson keeps coming back to: "we must seek truth and live it out in our own concentric circles of influence family first." As God initiated.

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Well let's see...if we have rising abortions, more and more gays and increasingly deadly mRNA injections...oops, we all be gone soon enough.

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Kathuoeyes (ladyboys) are a well known thing in Thailand and absolutely nobody minds or cares, myself included. Tomboys (aka lesbians) are also joked about.

I notice a dividing line on the bathroom issue, however. I've seen Western men with beards shaving over the ladies room sink in the public bathroom here a few times. The Thai ladyboys and the tomboys meanwhile seem to oddly find the bathroom which best fits as to whether they can aim at something or would prefer to sit down so it doesn't dribble on their legs.

My suspiscion is that Thailand specifically is not as far advanced culturally in the sex trafficking complete immoral depravity game... and that's a good thing.

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Yeah the Thais are much better than westerners about doing things socially that just intuitively make sense

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