At least these creeps are finally coming fully out of the closet, now that all the bastions of society have crumbled. They don't have to hide anymore. And don't think they are going to stop at 9 months in the womb.

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There is nothing humane about killing tiny babies, & it certainly is not funny.

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Pregnancy prevention and/or termination, when applied to the atheist/humanist/socialist cadres who promote it, is a "moral good" and a long-term benefit to the rest of society. The sooner they self-extinguish in order to "save the planet" or whatever, the better.

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It’s a death cult. It’s a Darwinian dead-end maladaptation. Extreme libtards are like the Shakers, without strange dances or making excellent furniture.

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Truly stomach-turning.

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Abortion is child sacrifice. Plain and fucking simple. No fucking pun intended

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