teachers leave them kids alone

stop claiming them as your own

stick to teaching the three R's

keep your drag shows at the bars


you've no right to brainwash kids

abide by what we forbid

stop this grooming that has grown

teachers leave them kids alone



#poem #kids #groomer

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"“Because fuck you, that’s why”

"Enough with the religious exemptions and proofs of natural immunity!"

I could have submitted a religious exemption at my last job during the covid me-too freakout, but I refused to prop up an immoral system. I said fuck you and walked out the door. Now I work under the table (if it's good enough for the illegal aliens, it's good enough for me). Every time I get my greenbacks and pay no income taxes I shoot the govs a middle finger (with flair!) and say "because fuck you, that's why!"

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Love this, just because Fuck You that's why!! Play stupid games get stupid prizes... I'm not being involved in your game board... I'll just expose the lies for what they are... Great Post!!!

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... America's number 1 problem, as of this writing: mainstream media. Number 2 problem: the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushies, the Bidens - Samuel.

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Excellent... Fuck you very much. 😜

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Like it, good response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My personal pronouns are Fuck and You... Just say'n.

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