Striving to be like the water lilly - roots in the murk and mud but growing to emerge, pristine, into the light.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas break.

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The one begets the two,

The two beget the three,

The three beget ten thousands,

All things are faced by the light,

Backed by the dark,

And harmonised by the immaterial breath.

This is Dao, perhaps my favourite philosophy but not a beat when it comes to written record. Because that is history, not philosophy. Watch Hancock interview with former Vatican translator on El, Elohim and Yahweh in relation to the middle east and society and things that are dogma thst we all know and come back to me.

However, peace and goodwill from one 'raised by the church'...

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and to you as well. Thanks for being a loyal reader.

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Thank you! Where can I find said interview?

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Everything in moderation. I think a foot in each camp is justified here. I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all, more like bridging two extremes. We don’t need an all out war happening because one side became dominant. Temperance and the middle road? All cliché but apt imo.

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clichés are clichés for a reason

thanks for being a loyal reader. I've noticed and appreciate it.

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... squandering trillions living the high life off the fat of the land, the government in Washington DC is fabulously successful, on just this one count: we here in America now fear it, more than we ever did, China, the NAZIs, a flat tire in the fast lane, the Russians, the herpes and the coronavirus, Imperial Japan - asj.

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... you can snow anybody, but a snowman. I can smell her feet a mile away, this Catherine Herridge woman, she is a CIA asset:


Any ideas what the CIA people are cooking up, for our 2024 election year psy-op? - asj.

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The battle was lost a long time ago and we are not going back.

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I alternate between black pill and hope.

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The Declaration of independence refers to God four times. The articles of confederation referred to God one time. The constitution makes no reference to God. As my friend Bill Buppert says, the constitution is the casket in which they buried the declaration. The constitution was written by freemasons and members of the hellfire club who swore a blood oath to keep the proceedings secret. They were plantation owners and crafted a system of control posing as a republic, and they knew you wouldn't be able to keep it. As Lysander Spooner would point out in 1874, nine years after what remains the most deadly American war, the constitution has either authorised such a government as we have had or been powerless to prevent it. So while you are keeping a foot in both camps, don't expect you are going to vote your way out of this mess. Americans have been voting since 1788 and have less freedom after each election, and 2024 is going to be no different. Contrary to what the Democrats will say, cheating didn't begin with the election of 2016 and contrary to what some Republicans will say, it didn't begin with the election of 2020.

Now, I like this idea of an information war. I got involved in the information "biz" as a teenager, both becoming a published writer and learning to code. I've worked on encrypted messaging app projects, cryptocurrencies, decentralised finance, and other information tools. A long time ago I contributed to a few anonymous remailer projects to help survivors of rape and child abuse be able to discuss their experiences without their abusers knowing. And I'm not confident that the people and demons with which you are dealing are just going to acquiesce to the superiority of your ideas.

I wasn't raised to believe in demons. I was raised by a scientist who trusted in scientism and an agnostic who was also anarchistic. But my beliefs have grown as I have experienced many things, and I know that God is with us in this fight.

We battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places, as St. Paul wrote in Ephesians. And so I invite you to put on the whole armour of God. The work you are doing, which I have been reading at the top of ZeroHedge from time to time iirc, is part of "the belt of truth" to buckle about our waists. Remember the breastplate of righteousness. And notice that Paul doesn't mention a back plate, because God has our backs.

Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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Brilliant Ben. Let's hope 2024 continues the reawakening of people of the U.S. and the world. If there is a silver lining in the Ukraine war and the genocide in Gaza, it's that people are waking up. Too many are dying. Better late than never, I guess. Ben; Merry Christmas and have a great New Year. It's been a pleasure to know you and Liuba. Peace.

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and you as well, Andrew.

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