Yes, Xanax with Ambien for sleep, and cocaine the rest of the time, with a little Chardonnay for the good times.

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What she should be taking is nasal rinses for her perpetual sinus infection.

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My hometown newspaper has all these "letters to the editor" that are just regurgitated propaganda and lies. Yesterday a woman I have known most of my life wrote that she is voting for Kamala because "she is full of joy and dancing !" "A role model for young women...." OMG, and this is a woman who is a PhD and was President of a college (now retired). What has happened to people's brains? Turned to mush it seems.

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In the words of Mel Brooks: "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."

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She happened to miss that freedom of speech one, eh?

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