Giving a vote to anyone who benefits from raising taxes on other people or in sending other people to war was a mistake and while that does not tend to include a majority of married women who are financially dependent on their husbands it does almost wholly apply to non-married women or divorced women when looked at over those women's lives.

Women are huge net beneficiaries of taxation and men and society as a whole are net losers and the longer this nonsense goes on the further the West will collapse in on itself.

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Repeal the 19th Amendment!

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This seems more like a rant than a column, but since you’ve said this —. that women shouldn’t have been given the vote — so often I’ll have to assume that you mean it. Personally, I think a slightly deeper, and more serious, look at the matter might get us closer to the truth.

What we see, both with male and female dysfunction related to the fulfillment of our role as either man or woman, is that when something goes awry there bad things happen, whether you’re a man or woman.

The stereotype of the woman you’re referring to has never had a good male presence in her life. Weak or abusive father, disappointing boyfriends and an (eg academic) career that led to foregoing motherhood. When you hear her speak about men, she speaks about a threat, not an honorable, protective male energy. Her unfulfilled mothering instinct now finds its expression in assuming a protective, maternal role towards students, immigrants, criminals, sexual minorities — anyone she can secretly feel superior to and therefore believe needs her “mothering” and protection. It’s an ugly, condescending and often aggressive (towards anyone that threatens her status vis-a-vis her pet protected groups) position, but in her conscious mind she’s the most virtuous of them all, and attracts other women with weak egos and a need to belong towards a similar ideology. And of course this is what not only the current day Democratic Party, but also whatever the dark forces are that are hell-bent on the destruction of the west, its values and nations, court and capitalize on.

But parallel dysfunctions exist among men. Duds that are excluded from the mating world often develop very aggressive views towards women, the group they feel rejected by, and the misdirected sexual energy can find very consequential expressions in war, crime, exploitation and cruelty (and these duds can, and are also used and part of the dark forces I refer to, either as originators of their dark schemes or as useful idiots. Who believes for a second that gremlins like Bill Gates or Peter Hotez were even slightly dateable in high school?)

Both sexes have equal opportunity to become twisted versions of the intended when natural instincts are prevented from their full expression. Instead being a mirror image of the women you abhor and wish to exclude one sex from society — think of how often you hear them wish for something similar when it comes to men — shouldn’t we instead espouse and work towards a society where we value masculinity and femininity in its fullest form and direct our ire at all the forces — be it the anti-humanism and transhumanism pushed at us, or the pesticides that are causing both frogs and teenagers alike to be confused about their actual sexual identities?

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This a most interesting and far more informative column than the official one and one in which I can see many of the people I know. Thank you .

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Only in their own fevered imaginations are they elite.

This nation's contemporary ruling class is constituted of graceless, faithless, clueless, charmless and essentially venal narcissists. They are beings who possess none of those cardinal attributes of character that would render them authentically elite.

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Well, ar first only property owners would be allowed to vote, then it became everyone, except children, and now, the DeomocRATS want them to vote.

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Well...I'm a woman and absolutely loathe the way liberal women speak. I don't engage in X except where quoted in news articles. Recently, I've listened to legacy media pundits "splain" situations. Why in the hell are they so damn condescending? STFU, you tiresome witches and grow up. I'm not retarded; you are.

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Liberal elite women insist on talking to American voters as if they're children because they view the relationship as a symbiotic relationship similar to a parent/child relationship and not as voters who are independent, autonomous Americans. When George Floyd cried out "Mama, Mama", Nancy Pelosi tried to make this look romantic and poetic instead of the obvious tragedy of a grown man sitting in a vehicle he does not own without two dimes to rub together, no wife or children or job crying out "Mama". Such a man has no hope of getting sex other than with himself and the liberal, elite women are most comfortable ruling over children like this.

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I didn't realize till I was 50 years old that women getting the vote let in unserious, short term, selfish, narrow minded people vote.

I thought it was fair.

It turns out it was stupid.

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Who gives a crap about what liberal white women say? IGNORE them all. In fact, ignore all politicians and the MSM.

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Woman's power is a threat to MALE EGO!

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Question to ALL MALES? If you feel intimated by a woman, why are you chasing her? For what?

By nature, you want one, and need one to balance your mental state. All of you who deny it, are the biggest Women chasers.

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Males thinking abilities are based not in his head, but between his legs. Males screwed up countries with or without females votes. Bottom line, FEMALES rule males, and they know it.

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Don't worry, once the Islamists they've empowered start putting the bags over their heads, those women will shut right the fuck up.

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Those gestures, measured pace of speech, and simple focus are often supported by the campaign staff who wants the 'Little Woman" to look like she is a vital part of the process.

Typically, they rehearse ahead of time, pushing BIGGER gestures and SLOW pace, because they know that people usually tighten up, start inhibiting themselves with less movement, and speak faster.

Too bad Glen overlearned her schtick. It did come across as "kindergarten teacher addresses the SLOW class".

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Liberal wimmin wake up and suck on a lemon, so they can practice that pinched-lips look of disapproval which they bestow on everyone they suspect of failing to toe The Party line.

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Why aren't their audiences insulted at being talked down to? I guess they can't figure it out because only men can "mansplain."

Words like "condescension" and "patronizing" do not comprise the vocabulary used by our so-called intelligentsia today. Gender neutral alternatives are not always preferred.

You can't vote brains back into people's sculls.

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