Maybe we'll get lucky and Putin will just nuke us... people who get upset about bird names obviously do not have a life to begin with.

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Anyone who supports this effort to eradicate history is a villain, unworthy any position of authority, public or private, however slight.

In case you're curious who's behind this dim-witted villainy: https://birdnamesforbirds.wordpress.com/about/ Yes, of course they all list their pronouns.

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Ah ,yes, the world according to Sigmund Floyd. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Would it not be simpler to just make asylums great again? Reagan and Thatcher closed them down en-masse to save money not to stop medical abuse of patients which as we saw with Covid has actually flourished these past 40 years with "Dr Baffled" criminals in lab coats going out of their way to harm people for money.

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You identified the problem: "Would it not be simpler to just make asylums great again?"

But you derailed yourself in placing blame: "Reagan and Thatcher closed them down en-masse to save money ...."


Deinstitutionalization started in the 1950s, gained steam in the 60s, and came to full fruition in the 1980s (simultaneous with the "homeless crisis").

Reagan had nothing to do with this.

We have many societal problems due to lack of asylums--school shootings and whackos changing bird names are but two.

"President John F. Kennedy signed the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Centers Construction Act. (It turned out to be the last bill Kennedy would sign.) Under the 1963 law, he said, “custodial mental institutions” would be replaced by community mental-health centers, thus allowing patients to live—and get psychiatric care—in their communities.

"In 1965, the creation of Medicaid accelerated the shift from inpatient to outpatient care: One key part of the Medicaid legislation stipulated that the federal government would not pay for inpatient care in psychiatric hospitals. This further pushed states to move patients out of costly state facilities."


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I’d like to see the same level of indignation around the re-naming of man made structures like the bridges and tunnels in NYC after politicians. The 59th st bridge was the first to crumble under the weight of Ed Koch’s ego. Then the Tri-Boro succumbed. Last and most egregiously the Tappan Zee fell to the the COVID killer. Why is th happening?

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Do you have any idea why Western civilization, generally white people, is self-destructing?


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Do we get to keep the tits? Please tell me we can keep the tits.

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