Ground beef is less healthy than manufactured chocolate candy and HFCS-laden breakfast cereal?

So, the meat sauce I just made with my own onions, garlic, heirloom tomatoes, and beef is LESS healthy than processed flour and sugar with no other nutritional components?

I just died laughing.

They really are just trying to kill us.

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I’m a terrible person. I buy Lucky Charms because my three year old granddaughter believes eating the blue moon shaped marshmallows allow her to become invisible. She doesn’t eat the cereal part of the Lucky Charms; only the marshmallows, and mostly the blue ones. I know they are terrible but the ability to disappear at will is a crucial part of childhood development. I always include a fresh fruit on the side, but I still felt a tinge of shame reading this article.

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Wish I had seen your post a week ago as I would have included that clown!

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by Ben Bartee

Thanks for bringing attention to this again, Ben! It's been infuriating and very sobering to peel back the onion's layers of the past 2-3 years. My eyes and eras are metaphorically burning and so much unlearning has to be done. Considering the powers that be, it all makes sense though. A lot of this stuff isn't really new information. Unfortunately, most of us just move on because it's too inconvenient to do anything about it (see Granny's comment that just popped up below). But to realize that so many things we thought as kids or even recently to be true aren't... Who could have imagined that?

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