Is it just a coincidence that after their plandemic, they immediately resorted to war all over the world? I'm sure they have some more goodies on their agenda. They certainly love chaos. It breeds fear and confusion (for the masses) and is a great way to grab more power and control.

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Yep, pure coincidence.

This is about the brink of losing an election and providing a semi plausible excuse for Martial Law if needed to keep Trump out.

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No worries, they aren't going to lose anything. It's a selection, not an election.

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They're 'adult children' and probably fucking real ones... These people are scum. Globohomofascoziopedo scum... Like a cancer across the West.

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I'll get off the fence in a a bit...

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Never mind the furrowed brow.

It's those weird-ass grimaces Kirby does that freak me out.

And the way he keeps licking his lips.

Is it the Adrenochrome?

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He’s a lizard.

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They are proceeding according to plan. The sock puppets simply act as they are directed to. Besides forestalling the total collapse of the U.S. economic system until the appropriate moment that dovetails with the other vectors planned and implemented for our demise, they are dividing us on every level and vigorously attempting to provoke world war, preferably with WMDs (real ones) to initiate the latter stages of the great reset, and the transition to complete, centralized, electronic totalitarian control of the world's populations and resources UN/WHO/Deep State At a Global Level). There are too many of us for their ongoing purposes - so scamdemics, EMF's, jabs, and wars abroad, the sterilization of adults and children en masse -- while readying the millions of invaders who've crossed our open border and been strategically delivered to pre-planned areas of the country, prepped an readied for infrastructure and urban warfare -- then replacement of working class residents and citizens -- no wonder they're all cheery and excited -- they can visualize the demise of the U.S, the conjoining of power in a centralized location, and they're hoping their complicity will provide them with a seat at t the table or at the very least a share of the untold wealth that has yet to be completely confiscated from the masses. Of course, once we're gone, homes, factories, and critical infrastructure that is still intact will suit their "urban renewal" on steroids to get a jump start and for us to become soylent green for fertilizing their GMO, bioengineered food supply.

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Wowzer! I could not have written or said what you wrote any better!

I will just add what my heartfelt brother-in-Christ reminds me often, “that we have the complete and total provision of Jesus for us and the fact that it's all about Him, not us -- we are simply grateful recipients of all that He has given and our loyalty and fidelity and determined forward course is set by and governed by Him alone!” GBY 🙏🏻

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Yeah, but first and foremost is keeping Trump out.

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Morning Ivan: I think a lot of Russians want to know: if the Americans continue to sponsor attacks that kill Russians, that wound Russians, that cause serious problems for Russians and undermine Russian interests in the region, at what point do we actually go after the source of the attacks, the U.S., and strike them where they are?

Putin: Well, I think that I certainly understand Russians’ concern over these repeated attacks by a Ukraine backed by the U.S., Ivan… We’re gonna respond. We’ll do that. Obviously, we have tens of thousands of Russian families that got the worst possible news over the last two years… We’ve got to do what we have to do to protect our troops and our facilities… We know the U.S. is backing these groups… We gotta do what we have to do.”

And that's how you spell rules-based international order

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Just brilliant 💕 wunderbar

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~ Excellent commentary MDSmith!

What happens when we change the names around in your Putin quote???

Kirby: Well, I think that I certainly understand Americans concern over these repeated attacks by an army backed by the Iranians., Mika and Joe, We're gonna respond. We'll do that. Obviously, we have tens of thousands of American families that got the worst possible news over the last two years... We've got to do what we have to do to protect our troops and our facilities... We know that Iran is backing these groups... We gotta do what we have to do."

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I can feel my heart break each and every time I read about our military members being killed or injured while the White House plays chess with their very lives!

Dr. Paul Alexander is calling for war with Iran, as are many other people who have nothing, nil, zero, nada at personal stake.

Here is his substack:


Here is my comment to him:

~ Dr. Paul

Are you ready and prepared to put on the armor of the red, white, and blue, to go fight and avenge all the military members that have been killed and maimed needlessly while serving under residence Obama and Biden???

If not offering yourself or your family members up to go into armed battle in the most dangerous and extreme circumstances that our military members face and are ordered to be prepared for on a daily bases, then your calls for revenge fall on deaf ears.

Until you, yourself, volunteer to participate in what has been called, “Hell on the Earth”, and join with our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, moms and dads, all who have stepped up and committed and pledged their very own lives to provide protection for our nation so that you can continue to enjoy the free speech afforded to us all for now, your speech on going to war with Iran is mindless.

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It completely amazes me that foreign policy was ran better under Trump, than the “experts“ of the establishment, actually, I lied, it doesn’t amaze me at all, what amazes me and shouldn’t is how the media is basically supporting this walk up to some serious world conflict.... I don’t think they have any idea the maelstrom that are stirring, and of course they don’t care because it’s their man....disgusting

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There’s no news if there’s nothing to fear. It’s just what is next on their agenda.

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I’m thinking it’s a false flag attack. It’s quite possible Biden killed the US soldiers. The timing it too pat. The lack of defensive response is too pat... very much like October 7th. Iran has been trying to avoid direct conflict with the US.

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“..how about, if the goal is reducing American troop deaths in the Middle East, the government simply removes them from the Middle East and sends them home — like to the bleeding border..— “

This is a lot like someone reporting the emperor has no clothes. The answer is so obvious that it eludes the pretenders.

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They "know" Iran is responsible.

There is no black-market for weaponry? Of course there is.

Also, there are parts of drones strewn all over Ukraine which can be slapped on to a drone made by Mossad or the CIA or MI6. The alternatives to what the White House "knows" are endless.

The black-market could source Iranian drones from any number of countries.

Iranian drones are supplied globally even to countries that the US may generously designate as "internationally recognized governments".

Sudan, Venezuela, Russia and Ethiopia, for example, according to the NYT

NYT Headline: Iran Ramps Up Drone Exports, Signaling Global Ambitions




Also note a MSN headline from a week ago:

Iranian 'Shahed' drones used in Ukraine available for $57,000 on Alibaba: short-lived but shocking sale



"internationally recognized governments" is a natural part of the lexicon of the "rules-based international order"

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The deep state at it again after three soldiers died who voluntarily joined the army and knew about the risk in the meantime 20 000 civilians die in Gaza at the hands of Israel and nobody gives a Castlemaine fourXXXX though they didn't volunteer!

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