The patronizing hypocrisy of WEF and their minions knows no bounds. God, they are insufferable.

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The thing that I wondered was, how did she - with such metaphysical and spiritual awareness - miss that she was hanging out with a bunch of demons overshadowed by who-knows-what kind of inrerdimensional entities 😅

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I think she was more concerned with the fat paycheck and fawning admiration than the demons

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Reminds me of when Marlon Brando sent Sacheen Littlefeather to accept (*edit* "reject") his Oscar. Took decades to reveal she was a pretender.


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As a side note, another indigenous pretender: Buffy St. Marie.

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Jan 21, 2024
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Like a joke from Laugh In. 😂

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Thank you for noting that these people are probably the ones that were pushing the mask and 6 foot nonsense. I'm not a germ nut, yet, that display was disgusting.

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One can only hope it was a voodoo curse ceremony in disguise

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Ze Puttana* arrives at the Hootenany--ya git a Putanny!

(*SHE who shills and/or imbibes them native spirits!)

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Perhaps it would be best to recognize her courage to 'spit in the faces' of WEF.

It may have been billed as some kind of 'metaphysical blessing ritual'

but to those of us who have been involved with such metaphysical energies

it looked a lot more like an over-the-top assassination effort.

Her energy was a directed-energy assault upon the frontal lobes of their brains.

It might be interesting to monitor those folks and see how their fortunes evolve after this.

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I see on her website that at their retreat, they encourage you to take up: "Rume (Rapé)

For the Yawanawá tribe Rume is the principal medicine. It's the medicine that gives security and that has the strongest healing power. Being with the Yawanawá one can really study this medicine and part of the study is to receive a Rume initiation."

My Yank friend, who's given up studying to be a shaman, has been seriously addicted to Rape for many years now. Guess where he scores from.

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Jan 21, 2024
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The cringe fringe.

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