Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Big pharma - a corrupt industry from the get go. But one can always say NO. Yes, one can play in the market , do well but not sell your soul. It’s called principles, ethics, scruples etc. That is what has become the rare commodity. If they could figure out a way to trade that - no doubt they would. What you point out is most heinous because it involves children and a very dubious drug. It also highlights the bigger problem of less active children eating a junk diet, which they are now going to prescribe a dangerous pill to “fix ”. A society that is willing to mandate that experimental ( now proving to be EXTREMELY harmful) vaccines be shot into children, has long since lost its moral footing. Yet these things are still on the market along with Ozempic and other drugs and are making a fortune for many. To paraphrase Michael Douglas in the movie “Wall Street”, “greed is a good thing”. No it is not, but it surely is powerful.

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If nothing else people should have to pay themselves for the perverted dream of looking slim while diving into packets of crisp washed down by Coca Cola and not abuse Tax payers money! If people want to self destruct that's a choice, too!

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"As I have consistently said before, I am not opposed in principle to a free market," there is, and there never was, such a thing as a "free market".

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Whoah, kemosabe... Let's not do the Antifa thing because when I was young Antifa was something else before being subsumed as something in Western Imperialist media... It was Anti-fascist. Erase history at your peril.

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Citizens should reclaim their power i.e. take back responsibilities - instead of looking towards and accepting at face value the advice of various 'experts.'

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