No thanks.

Hard pass

Not buying what they are selling

I’m libertarian as well-

But not buying it

They can have it


That’s the greatest word anyone can say in 2024- Simply “No”

So I’ll say it one more time


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Working as a comedian I meet all types of characters. There are two trannys who hang out in the scene on Sixth Street in Austin by Rogan’s Comedy Mothership. I like them both. I accepted an invitation to one of their birthday parties and we occasionally text back and forth. Like Ben, I am interested in being friends with people who are worthy of my friendship. It’s being ordered to approve of a lifestyle that is a hard pass for me.

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Back in the late 90's or early 2,000's one of the engineers I worked with used to design dresses for himself at lunchtime on his big drawing board and nobody gave a damn but today he would probably be in our faces demanding we bow down and worship him. That is what putting the power of the state behind any group of people does, it doesn't guarantee he would have done that but it sure as hell makes it highly likely he would have as above wealth by a long shot people love the thought of having power over other people. I believe Trump is even threatening to have Americans ejected from their own country if they dare criticise his genocide chums who for some reason are a protected species despite being amongst the wealthiest in the US having had over 100 years to plunder the US via the FED.

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Oct 19Liked by Ben Bartee

I just learned that there is a surgery called phallus (penis) sparing vaginoplasty. That means that they create a vagina and he/she gets to keep his/her/their (??) Penis. Doesn't this negate the whole born in the wrong body argument? In canada the court has already forced state healthcare to cover it so I can see state medicaid programs being forced to cover it here In the US. This is pure perversion, it is in no way medically necessary to have 2 sets of genitals. I think of all the medicare patients who get denied treatments and some medicare and Medicaid patients were even murdered in hospital bc "medicare is too expensive" but yet there is money for this. Male to female vaginoplasty isn't cheap-5 day hospital stay, follow up appointments and usually a follow up surgery to make corrections. Sorry for the long comment but I'm thoroughly appalled

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never heard of "phallus sparing vaginoplasty"

thanks for the tip.

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I too am apparently “Transphobic” even though 30some years ago I was good friends with a transsexual who even went all the way with (an IMO quite botched) vaginoplasty.

But what I also learned was that men truly can’t become women. He retained his male tendency towards physical aggression (I even ended up testifying in court in his favor). He was a middle aged man, balding on top, tall and broad-shouldered and, let’s face it, high-heeled pumps just look odd in a size 14.

Even while pretending to be a woman he ended up dominant, becoming a Madam and confiscating the passports of his foreign-born prostitutes so they couldn’t move on from his employment.

So while not “phobic” (of anything other than the current brand of authoritarianism) I also don’t believe for a second that there are any men that have “become women” (they wouldn’t know what it is and feels like to be a woman, so what exactly is it they are trying to become?) and vice versa.

And even if there were, I totally agree that they don’t need or deserve any more attention than any other creature that walks this earth.

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So, you have ditched the natural aversion to unnatural things inherent in all of us?

I say, "yuck."

I wouldn't mistreat such a person I WOULD avoid them.

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I agree with all you said, except one very important point. "Phobia" literally means "fear", NOT "hate". Those are 2 entirely different things. Thus, "transphobia" means "the fear of 'trans'", "homophobia" "the fear of gays", etc.

I do NOT "fear" trans' folks, or gays, or bisexuals, etc., or their lifestyles, or sexual choices, or wardrobe choices, or body dysmorphism (which USED to be considered a mental illness - what happened to THAT???), or body modification (mutilation) choices, or even making themselves infertile... as long as they are NOT children or allowing/forcing this on children. I also don't want to HAVE to look at any of it, see any of it, have it described to me, etc. And, I especially don't want any of it to be foisted on children in any way whatsoever - but especially through schools.

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I'm aware of what phobia means. What I meant to express but maybe didn't is that "transphobia" is often used to mean "hate" when the word literally means "fear of" trannies. Which doesn't make a lot of sense.

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Yup, it makes no sense. But then, so does a LOT of what's going on! lol.

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Focusing on 0.5% of the market is a brilliant strategy. Especially when it alienates at least the other half.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Good article and the comments are just peppered with possible one-liners, too. Ok...I couldn't resist: "Transphobia....the fear of meeting a tranny in the breakaway republic of Transnistria". Man o' man, that 'vagin-o-plasty' sounds like a pretty sweet "arrangement." Oh man, the jokes just keep cumming & cumming.

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I guess the CEO of Victoria's Secret, not content with destroying the company finances, wanted to make sure the corpse was nailed into the coffin real tight so it could never again see the light of day. It sounds like he/she/it has succeeded admirably.

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I wish you had linked pictures of these two but in checking out their goods I'm not impressed. They seem to have man parts intact...

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Any way you slice it, born a man, still a man........PERIOD, end of discussion

So anyone ask why it is 'men' who always want to be a woman and play in womens sports, go in their locker rooms and bathrooms??

Don't see women wanting to be in mens sports, bathrooms or locker rooms!

Victors not so Secrets needs to just go away along with all the other perverts!

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

There have been plenty of women who have/do - we just don't see many of them anymore. They did as much as they could to destroy men, for "equality's sake". To finish destroying the traditional family, and natural biological differences, we (they) now have to finish destroying women, after they first used women to destroy men.

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Exactly feminism opened the door to forcing people to ignore the reality of the differences between men and women and now here we are with men saying they are women and feminists falling all over themselves to agree with them lest the whole rotten house of cards including feminism collapses. As someone said "Who would have thought that all men had to do to destroy the nonsense of feminism was to put on a dress."

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