Cow and chicken arguments from this lunatic sound like class A material for dozens of new Gary Larson single panel cartoons. 😂😂

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Most vegans I know say they are against the cruelty to animals. But they also don’t realize that they kill every plant they eat. Plants are sentient to the point of knowing your intention and the environment. How do vegans think the plant feels when they see the tractor or threshing machine bearing down on them. Or having spent their life being tugged at, tied up and sprayed with burning chemicals. They are still faintly alive when thrust into a grinder or plastic bag or a freezer.

Most don’t know that when you prepare your dinner mindfully, expressing gratitude for the abundance and giving loving thanks for their sacrifice it imbues healing energy to the food.

Your example of a veganatic is perfect of the mentality.

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I think vegans are aware they're killing plants, but deny that plants are sentient in the way animals are. A plant senses & responds to its environment, but so does a thermostat. I'm not arguing plants aren't sentient. . . . I don't know. . . I concede there's a mystery here. . .but there's no mystery about animal suffering, as I see it! Some of the scientific discussion on plant sentience is summarized in this very good book, which I reviewed [with some reservations] when it came out a few years ago. I don't think the evidence here is totally compelling, but it gives me pause, I admit.


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You can go much farther. A field full of vegetables isn't natural, many animals had to be killed to clear the ground, plow it up, plant it, and tend them. Their virtue signaling is always about some big cute doe-eyed creature, but never a moment's thought for the rodents, ground-nesting birds, snakes, lizards, bugs, etc. who relied upon that ground before the selfish, murdering vegan came along and wrecked it.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Most people today have, by design, soundbite minds and those soundbites come from the MSM and if you speak to them about the background to a particular soundbite of theirs it is clear they have no idea about the subject at all.

I also tried the carnivore diet for a while but it is incredibly difficult to stick to, though if I had cancer I would go full carnivore and no questions asked.

The carnivore people are as cultist as the vegan loons as they say that clearly as we don't have two or more stomachs and don't have a very long intestine we shouldn't be eating grass etc but they never then make the obvious leap that as we don't have a very short intestine like a carnivore we shouldn;'t be eating only meat either.

It is clear to me that the average person should be eating a lot more meat and eggs than they do now but a full carnoivore diet is only required for those who have extreme allergies or who have cancer.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Good times lead to weak people, and weak people are left with no real goals to fight for, so seek artificial goals and problems to conquer. People, hungry, in search of food cousins give a rats behind about “animal rights”. Only a person spoonfed both food and other forms of safety and comfort all their lives and eternally protected from strife, losses and disappointments (most young people today, the participation trophy generation) could in adulthood seek internal and external validation through some of unnecessary cause like veganism.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Almost slipped into jargon, but those seed and vegetable oils (polyunsaturated fatty acids "PUFAs") are absolute killers. And trying to avoid them is a nightmare. Most commercially raised chicken and pork is paradoxically high in PUFA simply because of their grain diet. Bacon should be fine but because of the hog's diet, it is loaded with PUFA. So even the "safe" food isn't safe.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

from my "healthy eater" perspective and worldwide surfer experience, Vegan women smell better, are way more fun and are kinder people. Carnivore woman did fix their inflammation & pain issues but tend to be aggressive, have a certain kinda smell and get super frustrated, Example: when they have a hard time finding quality ribeye steaks....laughing about this is not recommended.

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Being an old chick, who was around when the current waves of veganism started, I can tell you it's not a good long-term practice. I know three serious vegan women in their 50/60s. They repeatedly break their bones. They have spaces between their teeth. They absolutely look malnourished. The old vegetarians, with their cheese & yogurt, are fine.

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It's clear that the word 'Ethical' means something different in V-speak than in the rest of the community's lexicon - to advocate that all carnivorous animals should be wiped out seems strangely contradictory to their 'don't cause suffering' stance. They really haven't thought anything through - such as "the planet is an intricate ecosystem where everything keeps everything else in check". and the way it does this is to cause birth, death and rebirth in a never-ending cycle. Opting for a world where there are only humans is insane - and brutal beyond belief. Of course, these guys would be the first to line up for the clot-shots which have caused untold suffering among the most sentient of beings. I would class them actually as the locusts of the human world - they would happily cover the planet with Canola plants (for their 'guilt-free' fats and grains to fill their carb-stuffed gut-perforated bellies - and huge fake-food factories that give them the illusion they are eating a natural healthy diet. Thankfully they are against procreation so they will all die off soon enough.

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"He also claims that he would like most animals to no longer exist because they’re — you guessed it — morally problematic while simultaneously claiming that a lion killing a zebra is committing a 'rights violation.'"

ow fuck my head god damn

my brains is bleeding out my god damn ears

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I'm done even attempting to discuss these sorts of subjects with these sorts of people. Instead, I try my best to trigger them into a mouth-foaming rage. It's usually pretty easy. It begins with me making sure they know that nobody's going to stop eating meat and there really isn't anything he can do about it except cry and throw a temper tantrum like a toddler.

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