
My parents raised me not to be afraid to see/hear/read anything. I read “Valley of the Dolls” when I was in 5th grade, having enjoyed the movie the previous year. I didn’t understand most of it, but I was a curious child and it was what all the ladies playing Canasta with my mother were talking about. My mother was proud that I could read at an adult level.

I did not believe 911 was an inside job at the time, but I never tried to silence those who tried to convince me otherwise. I asked questions. I have never tried to prevent those with whom I disagree from speaking. After the Lockdowns and J6 I am convinced the US government and corporate media have sold out to global elites at every opportunity. Our institutions are all rotten to the core.

There have been many curious parts to the OBL story, not least of which was his burial at sea. We can never know what really goes on behind the curtain but we can rest assured we have been consistently lied to by the people who serve us.

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If the electorate are the largest possible jury, then the media are the prosecutors trying to limit what evidence can be adduced at trial, the the government is the crooked judge working in cahoots with the prosecution to railroad the defendant.

That said, and while it is vital that we the jury be allowed to see all the evidence, OBL and his ilk are a manufactured enemy, created and supported to have an enemy which the State can use to justify ever more egregious authoritarianism, a la Orwell's Goldstein. If - this is a big conditional - OBL had anything to do with 9/11, then it was purely as a front man for the nefarious agents who pull the strings of Western governments.

Recall that the 'hijackers" were all Saudi citizens (according to miraculous passports), yet the US and its criminal cabal invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in retaliation. Recall also that the PATRIOT ACT is an verbatim translation of the Enabling Act that handed Hitler the reins, and that the huge document was already on the shelf, waiting for the moment it could be dusted off and shoved down CONgress' eager throats.

I drove by the bin Laden family residence at the corner of Memorial Drive and Beltway 8 in Houston, the night of 9/11 and saw the coterie of police protecting the family. I witnessed the midnight motorcade of Saudi royals and entourage beating a hasty exit to the airport and boarding flights that all the rest of America could not have. I know first-hand of the Bush crime family's ties to the Saudis, Taliban and Saddam. The entire kabuki theatre 9/11 and Desert Storm.. was nothing but smoke and shadows for public consumption and manipulation, and the American jury fell for it without so much as a moment of introspection.

The informed mind must absolutely read anything the prosecutors and corrupt judges wish to hide from We the Jury, but we must also weigh the evidence in context of a much larger game. Nothing occurs without an historical framework.

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I'm writing from Bavaria, Germany, and what you said is so true, when the AFD got started in German politics some 10 years ago it was the very fact that everybody was dooming em which made me sit up and check for myself and Boy, for the first time I had a reason to vote! By now we are number one in East Germany and second only to the so called conservative CDU, CSU which of course was Merkel s vehicle for 16years! May Patrioten win this war and Donald come back soon though I have not forgotten the Arms deal he made with the A-rabs if Saudi! God bless you all, Maximilian

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Richten Sie Memmingen schöne Grüße aus, falls Sie vorbeikommen. Merkel war eine Katastrophe für Deutschland, wie George Bush (beide). Die AfD scheint sehr erfolgreich zu sein und repräsentiert das Erwachen des deutschen Volkes darüber, wie schwer ihr Land beschädigt wurde. Ich hoffe, dass vernünftige Menschen die Probleme lösen können, denn der Westen stirbt schnell.

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Ohmygosh, your deutsch is amazing 😍, bist du Deutsch?, we are in Memmingen pretty often cause Ryanair flies from there plus...one of our AFD guys Christoph Mayr is from Memmingen sits in the Bavarian government and is a good friend of Björn Höcke! I'm from Augsburg where do you reside?

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Ja, ich kann sehr viel Deutsch, aber es ist schon lange her, seit ich geübt habe.. Thank you, though I'm afraid my Deutsch is very formal. My favorite towns in Bavaria are Memmingen and Füssen. I've had many good times there. I am a native of Texas, but I have lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the past 15 years. I have spent a lot of time in Germany. It is one of my favorite countries.

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Look at Armageddon Prose, building communities across borders. Stronger Together™.

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There is only one race - the Human Race.

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Osama bin Laden was not involved with the attack on 9/11. I will refer you to one very good analysis. https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/remembering-911-22-years-later?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Excellent resource. Thank you.

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I think it’s great that the kids finally showed an interest in reading anything about why the world is the way it is. The reaction is very revealing. I remember that the prevailing feeling in 2002, even in military intelligence, was that it was treasonous to show an interest in any reason for 9/11 more complex than “they hate us for our freedom.”

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

Bytedance, owner of TikTok, is more than happy to censor information. Its CCP overlords are focusing on one issue, the Island formerly known as Formosa. Xi Jinping has come to deliver the message himself: "Don't stand in our way." They're serious. We, on the other hand, are a silly people, to paraphrase Peter O'Toole's T.E. Lawrence.

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I can't recall the original source now, but remember reading an article about the vast differences of what is allowed on TikTok in western countries, compared to TikTok standards in China.

Here, it's all degeneracy, vapidity and insanity.

Another weapon in China's arsenal.

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That’s nothing. They’ve been removing conservative videos for years. People are only noticing now because it affects the young loud ones .. it’s awful & only gonna get worse

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Whats going on with Everganzza pizza chesse and Dominos?

Marine Rothbarth / her firm United Therapeutics

This hole ideology is sick... but has Everganzza any relation to this Trans perverts?? I allways think how bad could it go, but its allready realy realy sick and bad?? 🙀😢

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So you must support the cowboys! Dak had another great game,must get the 6th ring it's been too long...36 years of pain, greeting to the lone Star state

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I'm a free speech purist. I think anybody should be able to read ANYTHING that ANYBODY writes. I don't care how horrid it is. I say this now as Mein Kampf sits on my book shelf.

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I read it way back when....the Jews are scared at the moment so they must clamp down hard as they are losing control pf the narrative.

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