I visit an old neighbour who has been consigned to one of these hell holes by his family after he had a stroke and every time one of the residents gets the flu the staff and visitors are forced to wear masks. I told the manager in charge that masks don't work and that this is a nonsense and I would not wear a mask and so he would lose a visitor until this nonsense stopped and she said yes I know they don't work, we all know they don't work, but we have no choice but to wear them as we would lose our jobs if we refused.

This is what happens when the perpetrators at the top levels of the "medical profession" are not hanged, they come back again and again and again ........ until they are hanged.

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I vowed to never go to a hospital, but when I got short of breath last week I said my prayers and went to the ER. Yup mask signs everywhere.

When I was told to put one on at ER reception, I said "I am literally here because of difficulty breathing." She said "I know I know." I put the thing on low, so I could breathe through my nose. She let it slide and so did every other nurse and doc over the two days I was there. (Turned out it was blood clots and I was admitted) I even invited one doc to take is off and he did, telling me how much better it is to see people's faces.

The people are ready to push back.

Now to me the whole point is personal freedom and responsibility, and enough with the top-down diktats. HOWEVER, if RFKjr wants to do an instant solid to everyone near any kind of white coat, he should direct all agencies that there will be no mandated mask wearing anywhere but for operating theaters.

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Glad you made it out

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Appreciate the focus on this issue, but nursing home attendants in the United States DO NOT arbitrarily administer medications in these facilities, as they are not licensed to do so.

Looking for someone to blame? Focus on the administrators, prescribers and the pharmacists who fail to advocate for their patients correctly.

As someone who actually worked in these facilities ( you think a visit was bad? ) in early 2000’s I can tell you that polypharmacy and horrendous “meal replacement” options are nothing new.

You can blame that on the administrator PIGS who sit in their offices making millions off these practices while short changing their employees who sacrifice their mental and physical health daily doing work that most soft hands behind a computer screen wouldn’t have the fortitude to do.

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In care for adults with disabilities, it is the same. They are not advanced age, not most anyway. They are fed cheap, processed food, and highly medicated. I saw one young man go into care, around 18 years old, was thin and had the physique of a healthy young man. Within 2 years, he’d gained at least 60 lbs. His face was bloated, big belly, very unhealthy. They had him seeing a psychiatrist and was on antipsychotics, who knows what else. Super sad. Biomedical prison is a good term.

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Must add, this was a semi-independent living arrangement. Most in the CDDO’s (Community Developmental Disability Organization) care rent apartments that anyone in the city can rent. The residents are free to be in the community but have “day services,” activities arranged by the CDDO, and staff from the CDDO to clean and cook for them in their apartments.

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I promise you, as a former community pharmacist, no-one has 91 medicines under my care.

Ninety one, medications, or drugs, I don't doubt it has happened, I am not calling you on the story, heavens no, but a failure of "First, do no harm."

I agree with John (above or below), hanging is too good for these perpetrators at the "top levels of the medical profession."

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I understand what you're saying. I'm 71 years old and also facing increasing challenges.


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When medicine ceased to be a ministerial pursuit and became an industrial and commercial pursuit, patients became commodities, simply sources of revenue.

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End of life "care" (and medical "care") is pretty much just a money-making scam for a whole lot of the interested and involved parties. Just hook them up, and then bleed them dry. Sort of like an industrialized egg-laying operation but with people (with medical insurance) in the cages instead.

I talked to one of the owners of such a place, and he came across to me much like an owner-operator of a car wash, convenience store, or a bunch of storage units.

My father said the exact same thing about a trip to the woods when he still had his wits about him, and ended up in one anyway -- but he made the best of it, as well as he could.

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As a statement of origin, this is true. However, they are also used in labs to induce an acute inflammatory response in test subjects. If we had anything like an honest FDA, this crap wouldn't be recognized as either food or safe. But that goes for pretty much anything you might find on a processed food label. The fact that this stuff constitutes 'nutrition' and is forced on institutional inmates (nursing homes, care homes, jails, universities--Aramark, looking at you!) as a result is actually criminal.

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And if you die by your own hand it's a suicide you shall be damned... being a Catholic and a firm believer your grandfather's plea is tricky but other than that totally thumbs up!

I always wondered if people who are prepared to let go, just fall asleep in their sleep and are prevented from going to hell already this side of the pond?

Why do some folks just go peacefully and others suffer for years?

There must be a reason!

I let you know once I have done my own research...

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The moral bankruptcy of my countrymen and fellow man already alarm me. Of course, one is right to be alarmed.

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The warehousing of the elderly.

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While I agree that the "corporate slop" is unappetizing and not what I would consider to be healthy, xanthan gum is just fermented sugar, guar gum is made from the seeds of the guar bean, and carrageenan is a seaweed extract. All three are used as thickeners. Xanthan gum is also used in gluten-free breads to provide the elasticity that comes from the gluten.

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I had to put my mother in a nursing home after she had a serious stroke. What I found is that the frequency of visitors makes all the difference. We made sure that she had people checking in every day.

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I feel the same as your grandfather. My spouse, a 4x cancer survivor is in a nursing home with dementia. They called me last week to report an episode of upset stomach--after drinking one of the chocolate shakes. Spouse ok now, back to being an income unit for them...

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