Sen. Bennett: "Was Edward Snowden a traitor to the people of the USA?"

Anyone who knows anything: "Edward Snowden was a traitor to the people of the CIA."

180-degree difference.

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Like that Einstein quote. Didn't know Mr. Fuzzy had a sense of humor.

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I sincerely hope that the viewers of this degrading spectacle realise it tells us more about the interrogators than it does about their victim.

That those in a position of authority prefer being pathetic, infantile and spiteful than to be fully human and will only impress those of similar qualities.

America’s enemies must be laughing. .

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So Tulsi is willing to lie to get the job, thereby proving that she subscribes to the theory that the end justifies the means, and rendering her unfit for the office in any case.

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I'm torn on it. On one hand I really hate dishonest politicians. On the other hand she's playing the game she has to play. The alternative is never getting anyone in a position to take on the IC

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I don't think the purity of air you suggest is available in that toxic atmosphere... I vote for Tulsi.

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Principle is our only defense. Using the enemy's ring so to speak leads nowhere good. We're playing the long game. Speaking the truth always and everywhere builds legend, and legends never die.

When Satan offered Jesus dominion of all the kingdoms of the world if only Jesus would bow down before Satan, Jesus declined because he understood where that path led. Tulsi on the other hand just bowed down. (take this literally if you are a Christian, or as a philosophical insight if you are not)

That is of course if she were ever even half a good person in the first place - let's face it she was a WEF young global leader and spent her career working in the army's psyop unit. Not a woman I personally put much faith in no matter how many honeyed words fall from her lips - the lips of a long practised propagandist and psyop-warrior.

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Methinks you overthink.

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No I don't think so. This is the battle - between the principled and the corrupt. And every man's corruption starts with a small step.

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I have no beef with you... this simply is not the time for philosophy. It is time for action. Give the woman a chance.

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I have no beef with you either. But your approach - beat them at their own game - is simply to repeat the endless cycle. It is a path which does not lead out of hell.

You are simply reaching for the quick fix which will, as usual, turn out to be no fix at all.

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