Bumper sticker presidency is perfect analogy for Trump. Lock her up, drain the swamp, build the wall. All bark, no bite.

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It worked for 2016, not sure about 2024, to many of the white males he needs see though him.

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Is he going to do this before or after he makes capital punishment for anyone who says a negative word about Israel and is labeled an antisemite?

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8


Besides, Trump is making the point - yelling at him to "do something" and then whining "not that!" leaves us with only one option - to start a civil war. You first.

Most people who whine about Trump are twats who step out of the shower to take a piss.

There's two choices - Trump or an American Road of Bones. You and everyone else needs to get real: Trump is the ONLY way to stop the current Counter Revolution and give us a chance to bring in organized leadership to reverse this reversal of 1776.

And remember - Marxist Revolutions have Two Turns. The first (like May 1917 in Russia) is relatively easy on people. The second (Red October 1917, for example) is the start of the bloodbath.

So unless you or some other commenter is going to step up and raise the $15bn needed to run for Presidency, I suggest that all y'all keep an eye on the main prize and take your piss as you shower.

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Had Trump built the wall, stopped chain migration, stopped birthright citizenship, made E-Verify law, took some action while illiterate thugs burned, robbed, looted, murdered, raped and burned American businesses to the ground, he would have won reelection by a landslide. His "Black Platinum Plan" made some Americans more equal than others and he was going to make the unequal Americans pay for it. Trump is just like you. He incorrectly assumed Americans would vote for him because the opposition was so bad. Whoops!

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"You can have beef or chicken"

"But I want sausage!!"

Dana - Trump won in a landslide in 2020.

Biden did not get 81 million votes.

Join Wizard in the dumb cunts corner.

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Congrats Ben, you have attracted every paid up member of The Lincoln Project today. Their ignorance is dazzling.

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I also find Trump's VP pick worrisome. Trump is not a young man. There are pictures all over the Internet of Vance wearing religious clothing and symbols of the Hindu/Indian religion. This culture does not recognize the individual and believes the individual has no worth outside of the group. His indoctrination into this culture by his own choice means he is unfit to govern anyone or anything in the United States. The United States considers the individual and individual rights sacrosanct. Vance does not.

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Well you go drain the swamp and debate the niceties of life. George Washington had slaves and was not a super nice man and loved the French and and and.

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All Trump had to do was choose an American for VP. Instead, he chose a Hindu. What a dummy!

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Vance is a catholic.

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Pudenda stupidus est.

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Yeah, trump kicked obiden's ass in 2020. Rigging, tampering, manipulating, cheating, dead "voters," "voters" who's address is a vacant lot, box-stuffing, fake water main breaks that somehow only allow for democrat vote counters to return to the "danger" two minutes later and start pulling fake ballots out from hiding, running the same batch of fake ballots through the counter 10-20 times each, FLAT OUT STEALING, that's how the bullshytters came up with their phony number for obiden.

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Trump's message in 2016 of Build the Wall and Drain the Swamp was music to Americans ears.They came out in droves and put this unknown into office. When Trump failed to deliver, Americans lost interest. He still had the religious right vote, but it wasn't enough. Had Trump delivered, he would have won re-election by a landslide.

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The election was stolen by numerous methods of tampering, Dana. That's it, and that’s all.

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The anti Truml right isn't yelling at Zion Don to do something, we want the pos swinging from a rope.

Trump isn't "flawed", he's a goddam traitor, and you have no logical reason to believe Trump is going to save this country from disaster.

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Dumb cunt.

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You worship a man who complained that Israel doesn't have enough influence over congress.


I think we both know who the cunt is.

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You have absolutely NO IDEA what you're talking about.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Who could forget that other Trumpism when he was president speaking about people he regarded as "unstable" having guns.

"We'll take their guns away and sort out the legalities later!"

With people like him "defending" the constitution there won't be a constitution worth defending. Who will he or the next president decide is too "unstable" to have guns? People who don't think men can have babies?

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You can't possibly think the alternative in this situation makes more sense. I'll take trumps views to commie-la's plans to finish the destruction of obiden's regime ANY day.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Hi Ben. Tilting at windmills today. It may be treason for the government to suppress our rights, but there are maybe 3 million govt employees and a few million other hangers-on. The founders did not envisage a permanent government of unelected employees and contracted busybodies - they were thinking of the elected politicians and the "officers" of govt. It was assumed (wrongly, as it turns out) that these people would obey the law.

So the first problem with breaches of the Constitution by govt is that there are no penalties for breaching it. Jen Easterly at CISA (NSA stooge and Democratic Party operative) - the spy agency and putative censor agency of Mayorkas' DHS - and the FBI's Elvis Chan tell/advise "private enterprise" operations (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Microsoft's LinkedIn operation) to censor election and other information.

So The Framers did not put any teeth into the Constitution: they just get told, 10 years later, after many lawfare obstacles, not to do that again.

Besides, the leaderships and 99% of all staff at those businesses are party loyalists, who already know the script and can anticipate who and what to censor anyway. The CIA funded and works with these operations. NSA has hooks into them and others (telcos, data centers, ISPs) to siphon all data into those black box buildings like the one in San Antonio, so The Party can retrieve this comment in 3 years for my trial and sentence me to death for seditious conspiracy with you.

Furthermore, if you do pursue a civil (not criminal) case, the Supremes will say that you have no legal standing. You had more "right" to petition King George III in 1770 than you now have to petition the Judiciary in 2024.

Therefore, Executive Orders are the only way to create a Route One solution to breaches of a toothless Constitution and unavailable Judicial Remedies.

Besides, Trump is making the point - yelling at him to "do something" and then whining "not that!" leaves is with only one option - to start a civil war. You first.

Most people who whine about Trump are twats who step out of the shower to take a piss.

There's two choices - Trump or an American Road of Bones. You and everyone else needs to get real: Trump is the ONLY way to stop the current Counter Revolution and give us a chance to bring in organized leadership to reverse this reversal of 1776.

And remember - Marxist Revolutions have Two Turns. The first (like May 1917 in Russia) is relatively easy on people. The second (Red October 1917, for example) is the start of the bloodbath.

So unless you or some other commenter is going to step up and raise the $15bn needed to run for Presidency, I suggest that all y'all keep an eye on the main prize and take your piss as you shower.

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Thank you! So tired of this asinine demanding of saint like perfection of the best candidate we have had in decades. It is idiotic and juvenile. Some of the replies are so steeped this, that they appear to be written by bots. One said his white male followers need to see thru him. I certainly see thru the

jerk who wrote that.

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"First of all, we don’t need firings; we need summary executions streamed on every platform and broadcast on every network, preferably via guillotine."

So Robespierre is your role model? You are criminally insane. You and your ilk should never hold power of any kind.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Constitutional Note: The President is The Executive - he Executes what We The People, via our elected representatives and our State senators, require. The House provides the money. The Senate is supposedly above the fray. If the bicameral bodies oppose the executive we have checkmate and imbalance.

Every time the GOP has had all 3 levers under its control, it has failed to enact what We The People want. Because the GOP is Republican In Name Only.

Trump was denied the funds to build the wall. He was stymied at every point by his own party - on tariffs, on immigration, on the wall.

The Democratic Party has been in power, even when not in office, since Eisenhower left the White House in 1960.

So either start a civil war with no army, no leadership, and no way to raise either, or take the best that's on offer and use it to undo the ratchet of Marxism, click by click: Harris/Walz or Trump/Vance.

Dick Cheney just took off his mask and came out as a conservative, just as Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Xi were/are all conservatives when in power. We don't need conservatives - we need revolutionaries. Conservatives have conserved nothing in 120 years. We're beyond conserving anything: the counter-revolution that kicked off in 1913 has made all the gains: endless foreign wars, loss of State dominance in finance, education, transport, elections, etc. Federal control over our State lands, our environmental policies. Federal secret police and espionage. Private banker control of a fiat "money". From being an outrage and a sin and a crime, homosexuality is now taught to children as normal. Whites are being eradicated, and White culture is being erased.

And people whine about the only opportunity to halt this attack on their own interests. Fucking self indulgent dumbshittery on stilts.

The Russian royal family thought abdication in May 1917 would be the right thing to do. After this, they were joining with the people, wearing Red Stars. The Bolsheviks, 80% Jews lapped it all up and unleashed millions of deaths following October 1917. Ditto Mao, Pol Pot, Vietnam, LatAm: it always starts with people acquiescing to the first step in their own liquidation.

So cut the self indulgent onanistic bullshit and get real. One Man, One Vote: Trump. Or no more votes.

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Don't forget … Ms Adelson pledged $100 Million to the Trump campaign -- the quid pro quo is going to be massive. Just look at what her deceased husband got for his $20 Million pledge to Trump's campaign in 2016: the US Embassy was moved to Jerusalem; Trump pledged to enable the israelis to push everyone out of the areas where they wanted to expand their illegal settlements; he promised any and all US military aid to them -- carte blanche -- no questions asked.

And, of course, the christian zionists in the US were orgasmic over it … what with all of their nonsensical 'end times' prophecies looking like they were being fulfilled …

No … Trump proved very clearly and unambiguously during his first term that his truest allegiances are to his zionist buddies in the US and in israel …

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Ironically, burning the flag is an approved method of respectfully retiring a flag after it's worn out or damaged. I know, i used to be on flag retirement duty in the Marines.

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I want a president who will deport all the dual citizens. Send them all to Haiti where they can work their tikkun olam magic.

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I vividly recall Trump continuing to do business with Twitter when they were shutting down free speech and cancelling Americans by the thousands. Trump was the sitting President. He represented what was left of the free world. Twitter's censorship of Americans was on par with Stalin and Lenin. It never seemed to bother Trump until they eventually cancelled him, too. I do not trust him at all and neither should you.

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They were all censoring then, and they still do. And as for your vivid recall - you are wrong. He complained bitterly and often until he built his own to combat that.

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His mouth may say one thing, but his feet tell us the truth. His feet always moved towards the censors 100% of the time.

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You are delusional.

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Trump as a sitting POTUS and the only representative left of the free world continued to do business with Twitter while Twitter robbed Americans of their right to free speech by cancelling, shutting down and censoring Americans. Eventually, they shut Trump down, too. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. You know all of this is true. Your "wishing" it away won't change the facts of reality one iota. What's worse is you stood by and said and did nothing while all of this was going on. What a vile, contemptible, despicable coward you must be!

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I don't think we have a chance to stop C-293. Our only hope might be to anticipate a snap election this fall and a victory for Pierre Poilievre, who would hopefully be honest in repealing PM Trudeau's unfavorable laws.

Tell Senators to vote NO on Bill C-293 (oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net)




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