This is what I don't understand. Every country thinks god is on their side. By saying this out loud he highlighted the exact thing the people are basically praying for but wrap up in flowery language. How can God be on both sides?

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It’s not hard to figure out. We need our heart in sync with our mind.

Most people judge their enemies based on observed behavior and friends by their supposed intentions.

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I really liked george carlin... usually the humans only prayed to god in times where there was no hope , and they needed something to make them hope... in Germany the Moslem people on the street are crying because of the killing in Gaza. The say "god is above them" , there are no terror attacks... and if they would attack our government i really would support them... But like our media tells us , the bad islamist terrorist and the bad russian dictator are dangerous for us!! We are the good one, we are fighting against the Axes of evil!! ( Ronald Reagan said that ones.. why did the americans think he was a nice guy... ) The only thing i'm actually sure is that Creepy Joe, and a lot of other old hags in the government, this new zion gay jew hitler who runs around the world and screaming he need money for his war , are selling babys and children , harvest there organs and maybe thats the point where i also would pray to good... but everyone who support him, everyone who support this drone wars, this kill lists must be evil. And thats actually not the Russians or arabs... The western governments lie allways as much as they want, but putin said 2016 after this russian gate farce to macron: you are developing something that is much dangerous than the atombombs... he also said to his people that they wont accept this transgender divers gender stupidy. There are man and woman and maybe they get married then there are husband and wifes but there are no " its" , isn't it scary that he have to say this the normal things on earth and the hole world is manipulative and agreed with this freaky shit.... We should stop this shit perverts and corrupt warmongers and don't attack russia. I realy ask myself did they poor soldiers who have to die , know everything about there president? Even the russian soldiers , the also dieing because of some fucking greedy warmongers.... why are people so stupid and agreed with this propaganda shit.... Hitler was bad and evil ( but not an gay pedophile pervert for this he was to conservative) but this now, is an international group of warmongers, perverts, bioweaponized doctors and greedy technocrats... all evil in one, what to do to get rid of them?

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In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong.

Abraham Lincoln

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Brilliant pal... Dulce est decorum est.

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