Carl Jung said the spiritual search is a collective aspect of human nature. He defined it as a series of personal questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is this all about? Etc. every human will end up asking these questions. In his opinion suppression of these basic human questions led to what he called “isms”. Communism, atheism etc. that will lead you to pathology.

Rebellion leads to reversal of flow of our life force. Surrender (rendering up) leads to an unfolding of inner health and life. Be an open vessel and ask these basic questions and see what happens.

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There is no such thing as athe"ism"...."atheism" is simply and only the NON BELIEF in a deity...you are an atheist towards 9999 "gods" I just go one "god" further. It isn't an "ism" Asking life questions doesn't lead to any "ism" if you're a rational thinking person....communism doesn't answer why I'm here any more than jesus does.

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If we had had a Pope he would have condemned these endless wars of new world order.

America didn't want these wars. Traitors in power did, and have pulled all sorts of crimes to do so. Inc 911.

Please see Dr. Judy Wood where did the towers go.

911 Revisionist has good substack on this. Tell him hello

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.

My Mum was a good Christian Protestant woman who read her bible, thought well of most people, picked up other peoples’ litter and put it in the trash, gave to her favored Charities and believed - without telling the world. No crosses, no quoting the bible. Just her and her beliefs. She had her children Christened and we went to church on high days and holidays. But she could not find a church that she felt comfortable in.

I stopped believing around 12 years of age. Raised in England where we all attended religious education lessons weekly and had morning assembly with prayers daily and hymn practice one day a week, I went along with it.

I took my son to church on high days and holidays too and he went to Saturday services in the chapel at his private school. But he also stopped believing.

My contention is that is is fine to believe in Christianity and the 10 Commandments and doing good, being a good person without expecting any reward.

But I don’t believe in life after death. I have no qualms about what happens to me after death - just nothing. No eternal damnation and no eternal heaven.

People who are “good Christians” and devoutly practice Christianity in order to achieve “reward” or avoid “punishment” in the afterlife are surely missing the point: do stuff because it is right, not because you’ll be rewarded.

Coming to live in the US 20 years ago I was bewildered by the fakery of the churches. I’d attended one Christmas Day service in a Baptist church (for the in laws who were visiting from England) and was horrified. Blacks on the left, whites on the right, 3 hours of materialistic tin rattling and fake “spontaneity” from planted members of the audience. Hucksterism. Shocking. I was used to 45 minutes, pass the collection tray and a handshake with the vicar at the Church doors on the way home to Christmas turkey.

Never again.

Homosexual flags, Marxist women “vicars” - bollocks. I wanted some muscular, masculine, robust Fight The Good Fight sermons and hymns.

Dawkins and co lost the fight because the other teams - Jews, Hindus, Muslims etc - are aggressively taking, asserting, demanding surrender of their followers in commitment to total war. No cheek turning. No passive live and let live, like “Christians” and atheists.

The Christians are like the GOP - raising money but not fighting. No more throwing out the money changers. No rage. Just “Jesus Love Me and You Too!”

The DNC is like the Jews and Muslims. They exist for power and they despise anyone in their way.

So: I’ll do my best, live my one life, obey the Commandments as best as I can, keep my ammo dry and be prepared to fight to protect me and mine robustly. With no fear of an afterlife and no hopes for reward after I die.

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Total junk. I don't "worship" anything and "spiritual" is nothing but a woo woo word. The "religious" are, were and always will be lunatics satisfied with bad and infantile answers than no answer

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"There is no such thing as a non-religious human in the sense that everybody worships something."

THIS. If you don't worship God, life and truth, you worship the opposite (man, death and lies). There is no grey area, just black and white. Human beings have to worship something - it is an innate human condition.

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Bull shit....I don't "worship" anything and no one I know does either

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Fantastic piece

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