I think it's important to recognize the different breeds of RINOs. There's the Never Trumper RINO a la Mitt Romney or Liz Cheyney, but there's also the chameleon RINO that publically sides with Trump but truthfully hates populism and all free people, a la Kevin McCarthy or Lindsay Graham types.

Unfortunately, Trump is too dumb (too old?) and drunk on praise to notice. Both types hate him with a passion and will do everything to continue to sabotage him. This blind spot of his is a big reason he failed to drain the swamp, and now the swamp is draining him.

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How dare you. PresidentTrump was attacked relentlously even before he took office. PresidentTrump notices and if you think he doesn't, please give some facts to back up your passive aggressive BS. PresidentTrump keeps his word and WIILL draiin the swamp.

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I can't tell if this is satire or not 🤣

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In my early 20’s ( quite a few decades ago) after reading everything Ayn Rand ever wrote, I figured out it was indeed a Uniparty that got cozy at cocktail parties while pretending to be on opposite sides of our emblematic bird and lining their pockets with lobbyists money simultaneously. I had no illusions about their veracity or purpose for in being in DC for as long as they could hold onto the grift. To be sure, there were those rare ones that as you say slipped thru the cracks and were something akin to real statesmen, but as George Carlin so cynically but truthfully asserted, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it”. Then along came Trump and his very unplanned win over the Lady MacBeth of politics, and the Uniparty lost its collective hive mind. They have been in the “ let’s throw everything we have at the wall and see what sticks” mode ever since. They have managed to create an amazing amount of destruction of western culture and death in that process, horrendous in and of itself, but they have as yet been not been able to stop him or the movement his presence created. This makes then even more crazy than they naturally are, and their derangement is dangerous to life on earth. They are desperate to make heroes out of what they like to sell as brave moderates. There is of course nothing brave or moderate about them. They are the same old corrupt jaded neocon war mongers that have always existed on the perceived right side of the nonexistent Uniparty aisle. It has been nearly ever thus. Trump’s appearance on the scene just shined a very unwelcome spotlight on the whole stinking nefarious mess and has turned the sociopaths under its glare into psychopaths. You named several of the more known ones, but there are many others willing to step into the the ‘brave and principled” moderate shoes when these turkeys leave to go on to their next grift as talking heads on whatever MSM survives the ratings war, and will pay them handsomely to flap their “brave and principled” moderate jaws. God, they fear him. They are in a frenzy as if their lives depended on his total annihilation. This frenzy is causing them to out themselves in spectacular fashion. They are going for clout, but instead they have attracted to themselves the scrutiny of the newly redpilled and it’s not giving them quite the effect they were going for.

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can't see anything there in that wall of text I disagree with

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