glad I wasn't holdin' my cuppa cawfee seein' that new Calvin ad--too bad Rondo Hatton ain't still alive--he'd be a perfect cover boy ('er cover GIRL?) in the new "norm-ill"...


we're a (now former NYC) fambly've art lovers (er... real art...what used ta be art) so my younger daughter (who does oil paintin' -- realistic stuff...) calls all that passes fer "art" today Fart. I agree... Went to the (NY) Whitney Biennial which once was great an' pee ewww! A real "Fart Fest".... glad we got in free or we'd a been maaaaad... THIS was the garbage pile on display...


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The masked techno-slaves in the background are a nice complement

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"they are enacting 'revenge against God for the crime of being.'"

I heard reggaeton air horns when I read that. Peterson nails it yet again.

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u betcha! (the layers of muzzle fabric thankfully muffled any inane comments 'er cringe-worthy ooh's an' ahhs from these sorry fools...) Show as SO bad (Faaaart!) that we all took refuge in the "permanent collection" of mid/early 20th "real" art a few floors up--THANKFULLY real art is still quietly on display... and usually THOSE galleries are empty!

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