The system isn't communism, it's "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. In the US, the "central committee" is the CFR and its network of corporations, foundations, and NGOs which have controlled the US govt and media since WW2.

Jewish billionaire Penny Pritzker of Chicago, sister of Illinois gov J.B. Pritzker and prime sponsor of "community organizer" Obama, is a lifetime CFR member and former director. Chicago is also the home of socialist Saul Alinsky and his "Industrial Areas Foundation", which he founded with backing from media baron and CFR member Marshall Field III, founder of the Chicago Sun: https://www.industrialareasfoundation.org/history

Forward, comrades!

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I try to describe this arrangement to my family, and you have it well stated.

I would call it corporate/government fascism. I mean, oligarchs don't have the guns and force or access to a mic without government.

I don't think the average person remembers that "food deserts" somewhat exist in rural America because fo a combination of Wal-Mart and government's favor.

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I hope they run the shops the old soviet way,

one queue to hand over your required list of food

another queue to pay for your food

another queue to pick up your food

People in the soviet union always used to carry a shopping bag with them and would join any queue they saw because it was bound to be for something useful. They spent hours of their free time every week just standing in queues.

Remember to take your dud light bulbs into your work to swap them for working ones because once this system gets going there won't be any light bulbs available except for workplaces.

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100% agree. I like the idea about the light bulbs, but I hate florescent which is all workplaces have now. I'd rather sit in the dark.

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At least in the Soviet Union the Light at the End of the Tunnel was not an oncoming Trump Train.

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Socialism is designed to fail as an economic model, because economic failure kills individual initiative, driving more people to clamor for “protection” and food, shelter and heat as they lose the ability to function outside the State’s cold embrace.

This dependency drives political consolidation, on the road to communist serfdom. You get crappy everything, but you accept it because you can’t go outside the system.

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Are the squirrels and the feral cats inside the system as well?

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Idk about the people you live near, but the squirrels and cats would be gone in about a day and half where I live.

I have an acquaintance who traps crawdads, crawfish to you, out of our town's drainage system.

Above you preferred communism to Trump so I doubt you live around resourceful, borderline poor people.

If you're not a bot, you're probably a partisan for the DNC, and although that group clings to "education" as a solve all, they have lost their redneck, racist base and subbed in one that is just racist.

Rednecks will, in about a week, find a way to eat. Someone will start a little, no tiny, business driving on their own nickel out of the food desert and bringing back grocery orders for 5 families plus some items to just sell.

They won't really be making a profit. They won't mark stuff up enough. But they'll cover their gas, few other expenses and feel happy and like an entrepreneur who helps their neighbor.

And nobody will have to make them. Nobody from on high will decree it. It will just happen.

Now, in my view, this wont have anything to do with who gets elected. Trump is not like this and neither is Kamala. It's just my comment on solving the dual problem of unsafe, unprofitable neighborhoods and government barriers to small business creating a food desert.

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Hope they can make their own gas.

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diesel. Yes, they burn whatever in a diesel.

But yes, it would all be horrible and hard. Most people of any stripe wouln't do well.

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In a sense, all governments are communist to a degree. It does not matter what you have. Be it communist, liberal, Marxist, socialist, democratic, republic...you are always the slave and government is always the master. We the people, by the people, for the people has been an illusion.

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Yup, we work hard for what we own and the gov't feels it is entitled to it.

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But the earthly master still cannot read your mind (fuck off Musk). You will always have your own thoughts that the governments will never be able to intrude upon. Plus we all die (fuck off transhumanists), and the governments will never be able to stop that. It's those things that actually show how much God-given freedom humans do have.

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It's fascism Jim, but not as we know it...

Actually it is exactly as we know it... Just ask clippy for details.

The Marxist trope is just verbiage that resonates with a large section in the USA with its McCarthyist hang-ups. Benito disavowed Marx in his 33 speech in Rome and lay the foundations for the corporate/state amalgam... Now parading as private/public initiative at supra-national and national level.

Old nazis neither die nor fade away and subsume certain 'bastions of democracy' in the Middle East and elsewhere.... Get your jackboots polished.

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I am sure AI will soon tell the robots what we can and can't shop for.

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I've never lived where barriers to retail have been made super high, plus the localities are so unsafe that no middle sized operators want to be there.

Usually, in poor areas, there are street markets or somewhere to get food.

But, look, here in the US or "giantizing" of everything has wiped out 90% of our food chains.

So, what happens when these two things coincide?

Church pantries make up the difference? People move a few miles closer to food? What? I'm sure this has happend somewhere before just not in my life.

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Soviet efficiency with now hitech sales and e-dollars soon enough with limitations and limits - empty shelves...whatcha gonna do about it.... dont think of ruckus or stealing...as 24/7/360fdeg CCTV's prohibit that....and DHS Security guards in each store....good luck...

Looks like the SOCIALIST PHILOSOPHY won the Cold War...we became like them...bipartisanly

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Why did regular stores close?

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When costs and risks of store operation exceeds the benefit, then they close. Too many looters, not enough paying customers. Vagrants and junkies in the streets. Unable to hire/keep reliable workers. High cost for insurance, rent, taxes, etc. Another failed urban area, due to misguided "liberal" policies and cultural decay. https://economicsmatters.medium.com/urban-retail-theft-the-consequences-of-allowing-crime-to-run-rampant-28291ab0a301

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The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has had state-run liquor stores forever, and you can't buy liquor anywhere else, I don't think.

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The City of Chicago became Communist long ago. How about letting the Gangs run the Grocery stores? That might be an improvement.

All people of common sense moved out of Chicago decades ago.

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... they just don't do that, anymore, can't remember when last someone sang a beautiful song, about a wonderful city, here in America. Believe it or not, long ago, once upon a time in long lost world, they actually did! San Francisco:


And Chicago, too:


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Retire both of them and play "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" or "Bye, Bye Miss American Pie". Even the songwriters could see this shipwreck coming.

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"Imagine the implications for social control once the state owns the production and distribution of food from start to finish."

It is frightening, and real!

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Monsanto and Bill Gates beat them to it.

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