
The Fall Of Democrats:

Something Significant

Died In These People.

Or Worse,

Never Lived.


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General Election day here in the UK. By now even the most innocent or dimmest of voters realise that their candidates were selected for their mediocrity, thus allowing manipulation and coercion from those with real power.

Sad to see the same in the USA.

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Jul 4Liked by Ben Bartee

HEY..Give Kamala her due. She has been studying diligently with her copy of " Black Speak for Dummies"

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She's working on winning over Al Sharpton.

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... the US$64 thousand dollar question enquiring minds want to know since advent and diffusion of boob-tube culture: "... just how far can a dumb girl go in life, being good at blowjobs, sleeping her way to the top?" There you have it, Kamala Harris, next in line for the nuclear football? ANSWER: Sky's the limit. The burning question, exactly how far can a senile, hopelessly corrupted pedophile and intellectual fraud afflicted dementia go, life in the hive, doing just this one thing, wholly assimilating himself to the democrat party collective? ANSWER: there you have it, behold as you pall in his grandeur, President Bejing-Biden himself, scooping up the gravy train! You and I? It's table-scraps! Doomed, never to reach our true potential, keep our mouths shut, don't ask questions, try our best to keep what we've got - Samuel.

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... irony so gelatinous it cuts with a butter-knife, indeed it's true, the Biden administrative is, in fact, the most transparent in the history of America's executive branch! So transparent has it been, so sophomoric, puerile has it been in its mendacity? Even the most obtuse, partisan of straight-ticket democrats see straight through the lies, and see it for the crony kleptocracy it really is. Drop dead stupid, the Biden people aren't fooling anybody because, they're not smart enough to fool anyone - Samuel.

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Her husband seems to work for China. Sort of like Joe.

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... active reading of our dearest Kamala Harris, is of a mindless social climbing airhead wholly devoid a moral compass, who stooped low to rise high - Samuel

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Wow. Brilliant, acerbic, and incisive.

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In Finnish, kamala means terrible.

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David Reavill profiles Jeff Zients https://thinkspot.com/discourse/6muDMm/post/david-reavill/you-may-not-know-who-jeff-zients-is-but-he-might-be-running-the-country/LZtN6y6 who since January 2023 has been the Biden administration's Chief of Staff.

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