Ben, are you poking fun at The Science? Be glad you don’t live in the UK.

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Ben knows enough science to get mad at silly things. Then again, mad is sort of Ben's base point. And I like that.

If anyone came out of the whole Covid thing and wasn't mad, they aren't very smart.

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Our primary responsibility on the Community Service District board is to ensure safe, reliable collection of waste water. I found this article of particular interest and forwarded it to our General Manager.

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Thanks for writing about this. It's always seemed odd to me. Kind of like how the media created "fire season" and "fire weather" here in California, which we formerly referred to as "Summer." 😄

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Such glorious Summers!

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And how about “water memory”, the ability of water molecules to hold the frequency of whatever it comes into contact with, proven through exactly the same method, PCR?


Or maybe that isn’t Science, since the latest scientist to work on that is the “controversial” (according to the NYT) great Luc Montagnier?


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Thanks for posting the links.

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I always laugh when I read articles about high Covid rates in sewage. Their science is flawed. Their collection methods are flawed. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Oh...they THINK they know very well, but they don't.

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Commies have a long, well established anal fixation related to a failure to mature during potty training.

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The deadpan delivery was perfect in the buildup to the punchiest line, divining real shit, but I was laughing all the way thru, just harder at the punchiest line.


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