Thank you Ben. Nailed it.

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... keep in mind, press rules Biden's talking about date back, circa 2009, unwritten rules Barack Obama laid down, for mass media:

a). moratorium, no open criticism of Obama's agenda -

b). moratorium, no more black-on-white violence portrayed on television -

Combination affected, (1) a race war, (2) rebirth of the white supremacy narrative. Mainstream media execs, only reporting white-on-black violence, were astounded at the powerful newfangled tool at their fingertips, handed to them by the Obama administration, flipping a switch to throttle the black community, triggering rioting through biased television news. Just like the Rodney King riots, George Floyd rioting was triggered, through mainstream media psychological operations, via a canned television news narrative targeting the black community.

Keep in mind, a 19th century William Jennings Bryant archetype, Obama was an orator. Not the sharpest pencil in the cup, the guy couldn't cut it in high school math. His principle motivation, wasn't to hand the mainstream media a tool, for manipulating the black community. Obama's principle motivation for the de facto moratorium, on black-on-while violence, he just wanted white women, to like black guys

Press rules Biden's talking about, are Barack Obama's: no criticism of his administration - Samuel.

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... how's a guy, not getting a traffic ticket, make the 6:00 news? How we definitively knew something was fishy about the mainstream media? Wasn't Julian Assange. Wasn't Bradley Manning. Wasn't Edward Snowdon. It was, George Zimmerman! Climax of Trevon Martin hysteria, recall, dearest George Zimmerman decided to take a little road trip. Along the way, though pulled over by highway patrol in Texas, though not written a citation, dismissed by the officer with a verbal warning, that this incident somehow made national news, we definitively knew, Barack Obama was a kid in a candy store. He went berserk! He had everybody under surveillance. He bugged everything, and everyone! He had drones tasked, to George Zimmerman?! It was Obama, 8 long years, feeding mass media, everything he wanted them to say - Samuel.

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