
The Vaccinated

Sold Their Natural Immunity

- For Nothing.

The Unvaccinated Held On To Their Natural Immunity

And It Is Now Worth

More Than Anything.

More Than Anything That Anyone "Owns".


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Just listening to that lying, deceptive unqualified veterinarian talk makes me sick!

He's had a part in killing millions of people, something he will have to give an accounting for at his death.

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Once they kill us off to the desired number of obedient slaves, they can then more fully accomplish the trans human agenda . Right now there are still far too many of us. But they will persevere and the sheeple will comply and all will be well in the New World Order planet.

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Those "poor countries who got left behind" had the best outcomes of anyone.

As Dr Herbert Ley, former Commissioner of the U.S FDA (appointed 1966) said "What the Public thinks the FDA is doing, and what it is actually doing, are as different as night and day".

To borrow his line - what the Public thinks vaccines are doing, and what they're actually doing, are as different as night and day.

Those "poor countries" dodged a bullet.

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your conversation with Hrvoje Moric on www.TNTradio.live was great. thankyou

It is a wicked web https://thenobodywhoknowseverybody.substack.com/p/world-economic-forum-and-the-trusted

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