As it turns out, that "breakthrough" weight loss drug, semaglutide, marketed to US consumers as Wegovy and Ozempic -- the one that gets the corporate state media's tenderloins all wet with excitement -- is actually not so miraculous as advertised.
I keep popping up and commenting on these fat stories, but I wholeheartedly agree with your bottom line - get off your butt, watch what you eat and you’ll lose weight. I am 55 years old and have been fat pretty much my whole life. I was 360+ and now I am 190. I have worked my ass off and changed my diet to almost literally lose half my body weight. There are no miracle drugs or diets needed!! Calories in just need to be less than calories out-this is not complicated!!!
Thanks Jimmy for your share. I have never had a problem with my weight until I had a check-up at my docs three months ago. I have always weighed 75 - 85 Kgs for all my adult life regardless of what I eat (I am 5'10" with a strong muscular frame). I am a keen yachtsman and have sailed most of my life.
During May this year, at my docs, I was shocked to have a 96Kg weight and went into panic mode because I know that overweight is a killer - I am 78 years old. My local homeopathic nutritionist recommended a simple Apple cider (detox) combo, first thing each morning and a diet of reduced cals (1,000/day) using a 16/8 fasting routine.
I now avoid ALL Big Pharma crap, use natural vegs from local farms and a bone-marrow broth (I prefer beef) at least 3x a week. I have dry biscuits/coffee AM, light lunch around 1300, and late supper (500 cals) evening plus fruit and occasional cheese.
I also take organic Vit. C & D, zinc + green tea, rooibos tea during the morning. After a mere 2 weeks I felt 15 years younger, energetic, smell and hearing improved (and also my writing oddly), I walk just a 1-2 miles a day (no exertion); plus up/down stairs at least 50x a day and BTW, I pray to my Creator each morning down by a babbling brook and ask only for knowledge of His will for me today and at the same time, I feed the birds and animals with bread and cheese.
Truly I am a new man and blessed to be able to celebrate this wonderful world of nature, birds and plants that surround me in SW UK - and yes, the rain too! I drink only filtered water, wine and occasional beer and socialise often in the local hostelry.
Result: in 3 months I lost 10 Kgs - and thus I am moving towards my ideal weight of 75/80 Kgs in the coming weeks. My lesson is life-style, diet, exercise and a moral code (the narrow path perhaps), (healthy mind, body and spirit conquers all IMHO).
Self-actualisation is part of the healing process Ben - thank you for your kind words. Actually it is not difficult unless you BELIEVE it is difficult. All in the mind eh?
As a counsellor I have helped many clients find their self-empowerment, often after a traumatic event, and in some cases, like alcoholism, when they have reached rock bottom. It is then that I apply 'Just for Today' - it works sometimes. I have counselled in AA for more years than I care to remember but for me it is the finest psychological healing I have yet found. AND
You can keep your psychodynamic Freudian process (80% of practitioners) for which I see no efficacious outcomes - just money-fees forever. It is another snake-oil salesman con IMHO. I prefer the humanistic model based on Rogerian theory and for me it works.
I am retired but then, one never retires - I work pro bono and pray that I can make a difference
Good food, good sleep, good exercise and time in the sun - works wonders for most any “dis-ease”. Which is why docs won’t tell you this, they need to push the pill to get paid.
When they start taking about making obesity a mental illness, watch out! Just means more people hooked on drugs. They definitely don’t care about your health!
That was kind of mean. But fat people need to hear it, so right on, brother. I overcame obesity by giving up processed foods, seed oils, sugars, flour, and so on. Then I started working out. Why? Because my less-fat body wanted to move. Now I have a daily yoga and calisthenics regimen coupled with near-daily 1 mile walks. It has been years since I was obese. Maintaining my health is no big deal. Mark Sisson has a goal to always “look good naked”. I like to look good and I Iike being naked.
The herds of MMS/3i's DEMAND pills and quick fixes... Point 1-4 provide neither.
For example I wrote the following in 2020/08:
Why this obsession with HCQ, and the other drugs, goes beyond my Thought ability to process... .s
I'm pasting myself once again because the simple solution is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY which in this case means Knowing what your Organism/Immune System NEEDS in order to perform its functions without stress!
The paste:
"A few months ago, in the beginning of this Influenza Silly Season I wrote this:
For those looking for a more cost/effective solution:
Mere suggestion...
Vitamin A (retinoic acid): 3,000 IU every 2 days.
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
Zinc: 20 mg daily
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily
Vit A and Vit C are very important to the Interferon Signalling between cells.
A deficiency of each (bad) or both (very bad) breaks the ability of the cells to respond effectively to the viral infection.
(Vit C: Those with severe renal and/or heart malfunctions or some sort of allergies to any of those chemicals are not advised to ingest these quantities.)
But... like they say: MY BODY. MY CHOICE!
Of course that IVC is an excellent treatment for viral infections, but does not provide good profits so... go buy some useless $3,000 big pharma drug!
But who cares, right?! The Herd wants to be infected with a GMO monkey virus caring a piece of code for the alleged spike protein of the mythical RNA "SARS-CoV-2" and no amount of "taped to the wall bananas" will make the Herd of Morons NOT want to be
I keep popping up and commenting on these fat stories, but I wholeheartedly agree with your bottom line - get off your butt, watch what you eat and you’ll lose weight. I am 55 years old and have been fat pretty much my whole life. I was 360+ and now I am 190. I have worked my ass off and changed my diet to almost literally lose half my body weight. There are no miracle drugs or diets needed!! Calories in just need to be less than calories out-this is not complicated!!!
Thanks Jimmy for your share. I have never had a problem with my weight until I had a check-up at my docs three months ago. I have always weighed 75 - 85 Kgs for all my adult life regardless of what I eat (I am 5'10" with a strong muscular frame). I am a keen yachtsman and have sailed most of my life.
During May this year, at my docs, I was shocked to have a 96Kg weight and went into panic mode because I know that overweight is a killer - I am 78 years old. My local homeopathic nutritionist recommended a simple Apple cider (detox) combo, first thing each morning and a diet of reduced cals (1,000/day) using a 16/8 fasting routine.
I now avoid ALL Big Pharma crap, use natural vegs from local farms and a bone-marrow broth (I prefer beef) at least 3x a week. I have dry biscuits/coffee AM, light lunch around 1300, and late supper (500 cals) evening plus fruit and occasional cheese.
I also take organic Vit. C & D, zinc + green tea, rooibos tea during the morning. After a mere 2 weeks I felt 15 years younger, energetic, smell and hearing improved (and also my writing oddly), I walk just a 1-2 miles a day (no exertion); plus up/down stairs at least 50x a day and BTW, I pray to my Creator each morning down by a babbling brook and ask only for knowledge of His will for me today and at the same time, I feed the birds and animals with bread and cheese.
Truly I am a new man and blessed to be able to celebrate this wonderful world of nature, birds and plants that surround me in SW UK - and yes, the rain too! I drink only filtered water, wine and occasional beer and socialise often in the local hostelry.
Result: in 3 months I lost 10 Kgs - and thus I am moving towards my ideal weight of 75/80 Kgs in the coming weeks. My lesson is life-style, diet, exercise and a moral code (the narrow path perhaps), (healthy mind, body and spirit conquers all IMHO).
I regret that the the Collective West has become contaminated with an evil oppression not seen in humanity's history - a true Fourth Turning indeed but I am confident that what comes after this tribulation will be His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
That's a wonderful story of self-empowerment
Self-actualisation is part of the healing process Ben - thank you for your kind words. Actually it is not difficult unless you BELIEVE it is difficult. All in the mind eh?
As a counsellor I have helped many clients find their self-empowerment, often after a traumatic event, and in some cases, like alcoholism, when they have reached rock bottom. It is then that I apply 'Just for Today' - it works sometimes. I have counselled in AA for more years than I care to remember but for me it is the finest psychological healing I have yet found. AND
You can keep your psychodynamic Freudian process (80% of practitioners) for which I see no efficacious outcomes - just money-fees forever. It is another snake-oil salesman con IMHO. I prefer the humanistic model based on Rogerian theory and for me it works.
I am retired but then, one never retires - I work pro bono and pray that I can make a difference
congrats. im very glad to hear all of your hard work paid off!
Good food, good sleep, good exercise and time in the sun - works wonders for most any “dis-ease”. Which is why docs won’t tell you this, they need to push the pill to get paid.
When they start taking about making obesity a mental illness, watch out! Just means more people hooked on drugs. They definitely don’t care about your health!
That was kind of mean. But fat people need to hear it, so right on, brother. I overcame obesity by giving up processed foods, seed oils, sugars, flour, and so on. Then I started working out. Why? Because my less-fat body wanted to move. Now I have a daily yoga and calisthenics regimen coupled with near-daily 1 mile walks. It has been years since I was obese. Maintaining my health is no big deal. Mark Sisson has a goal to always “look good naked”. I like to look good and I Iike being naked.
I would characterize it as tough love instead of mean.
Congrats on weight loss!
Sugar is not the devil... check out ray Peat (RIP), Danny Roddy, Saladino and Dinkov.
Seed oils ARE, other than a little black seed oil.
I find that OMAD (One meal a day) works great. AKA "intermittent fasting"
Takes some balls... but so what?
First big food makes you fat and then big Pharma makes you thin and then big Pharma fixes your thyroid cancer......or did it/
You clearly still don't understand the Real Mindset of the herds of modern moron slaves!
Not even after the revealing OPERATION COVIDIUS!
The herds of MMS/3i's DEMAND pills and quick fixes... Point 1-4 provide neither.
For example I wrote the following in 2020/08:
Why this obsession with HCQ, and the other drugs, goes beyond my Thought ability to process... .s
I'm pasting myself once again because the simple solution is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY which in this case means Knowing what your Organism/Immune System NEEDS in order to perform its functions without stress!
The paste:
"A few months ago, in the beginning of this Influenza Silly Season I wrote this:
For those looking for a more cost/effective solution:
Mere suggestion...
Vitamin A (retinoic acid): 3,000 IU every 2 days.
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
Zinc: 20 mg daily
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily
Vit A and Vit C are very important to the Interferon Signalling between cells.
A deficiency of each (bad) or both (very bad) breaks the ability of the cells to respond effectively to the viral infection.
(Vit C: Those with severe renal and/or heart malfunctions or some sort of allergies to any of those chemicals are not advised to ingest these quantities.)
But... like they say: MY BODY. MY CHOICE!
Of course that IVC is an excellent treatment for viral infections, but does not provide good profits so... go buy some useless $3,000 big pharma drug!
But who cares, right?! The Herd wants to be infected with a GMO monkey virus caring a piece of code for the alleged spike protein of the mythical RNA "SARS-CoV-2" and no amount of "taped to the wall bananas" will make the Herd of Morons NOT want to be
Soon after I stopped wasting time!