Excellent example of the fact that *salt* (especially sea salt, as opposed to "table salt") is not the enemy of health, sugar is. If you have hypertension, you've probably had too much sugar, not salt.

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Maybe this is why my first word was Twinkie.

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Nov 13·edited Nov 13

Yes and now suddenly everyone believes “the science” when it demonizes sugar. What kind of study was it, how what it designed, what kind of cofounders did it take into consideration, etc. In the USA sugar consumption has been declining for years, including the consumption of those “surgery drinks” people love to attack as the culprit for obesity, yet people are more unhealthy than ever and the children more likely to have health problems. If sugar is the cause then the decline in sugar intake in the USA would have lead to a healthier population . How much grant money do researchers get to study the evil of sugar in a diet vs just looking to see if sugar really is all that bad? Grant money goes to the scientists who are working to affirm what the science community already thinks, not to those who are objectively looking for truth wherever it leads. We know that science has a reproducibility problem and of the 90% of research that is flawed (according to Dr John Ionnidas) nutrition studies are notoriously the worst among them. In a few years sugar will be redeemed as salt and fat have been, and some other food will be the new tobacco, as has happned over and over again since the beginning of nutrition studies.

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Nov 12·edited Nov 12

Really good article. And, gotz meez tinkin'.....we have a similar current event, Covid, that can be used as a future comparison model for health studies. It's fascinating to think that most countries controlled their population, all in the same way, using all the same methodology.

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"I’m probably preaching to the choir, but keep the bullshit away from your babies, ladies, if you love them — especially when they’re still in your bellies."

Here's my little piece of delusion, so that you don't be alone!

In the Present no Female Loves her Baby.

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