Most disease in the U.S. is lifestyle induced. Who promoted such an unhealthy way to eat and exercise?

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Big Ag. Hand in hand with Big Pharm. One hand washes the other.

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Don't forget China Joe and Obama.

They have hands to fill too, ya know...

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Barack Obama!

If you have Obama care, you will get a couple of hundred dollars a month for "healthy food".

You can't buy chocolate, but you can buy jelly or maple syrup or even Trail mix which does have chocolate candy in it.

But I am sure you will be relieved to know you can buy... FROZEN PIZZA! YAY


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Medical care and health care are different actions.

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The second of which is largely the responsibility of the person concerned.

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Olde E was with you during some dark times 🤣

Carlin’s quote is even more true today. I marvel at what I see daily when I go about my business & know this is one reason why America will fall. That ER visit now would likely cost closer to 30k.

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As I said earlier, I broke my foot last week. I detest the ER so much, that I waited til the next day, when I could be seen in an orthopedic clinic. No waiting, as opposed to the ER, which is expensive as hell, staff is rude and uncaring, and wait times are insane.

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Our medical system is ridiculous. So many things that actually WORK, but they can't get a patent for, so instead we get an endless supply of drugs that make money but don't actually do anything much besides poison a person. Many of the ones that work (but can't be patented) are banned by the FDA. One example is DMSO. I saw an article on it by "A Midwestern Doctor", and applied it to my foot I broke Friday night. Lo and behold, the stuff works incredibly well. DMSO was banned by the FDA at one time, presumably in favor of some NSAID or other. But you generally don't hear about its near miraculous pain relieving qualities from anyone. Instead, you're told it's a "horse liniment". Same thing with Ivermectin. "It's a horse dewormer!" they cry.

Then there's anti-depressants. Hard to get off of, makes a bunch of ppl homicidal and/or suicidal. Try jacking up your vitamin D. I take St. John's Wort for any occasional depression or anxiety, which is rare since I jacked up my D intake. Can't patent D though, can ya.

I've found that drinking a fruit smoothie everyday does way more for my fatigue and arthritis inflammation than any of their drugs. But no MD will tell you THAT, will they. No kickbacks for them for fruit smoothies.

The FDA tried to ban NAC. Seems it helps with Alzheimer's. But some Big Pharma company had something else in the works for Alzheimer's, so away with you, NAC! I could go on and on.

Our medical system is a joke. They want to keep you dependent on their drugs, after all, America is the medical/pharmaceutical complex's cash cow. I say, keep your damn poison. I'll come to you for trauma or just a diagnosis, and then I'll take it from there, thanks.

My head just about exploded when I had to fill out a form at the GP's that asked me what my pronouns were, and was I depressed. High BP resulted. Did I want meds for that? Hell no. The next day at my GYN, it was back to normal.

I hope to hell RFKJr can straighten out this mess of graft and grift that is the USA's "medical system". I'd really like to be able to use my HSA on stuff that -I- think works. Herbals, for one, and other supplements I'd like to try, but are way too expensive. Probably by design, so they can make money off their drugs. Insurance covers pharmaceuticals, but not herbs and other supplements. LIKE DMSO.

Bitter much, you say? You betcha. Angry too.

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In Europe, it is illegal to advertise Pharma, period.

Companies have to be very careful with so much as a press release to announce a new drug.

TV would improve overnight if all that happened is the annoying commercials stopped.

But it would not be the end of it, it would end Pharma's stranglehold on programming for the NWO, too.

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Shame is good for people: people need to be fat-shamed, mask-shamed, purple-haired trannie-shamed.

BTW, the American subscription-based sickcare model was piloted on American pet dogs and cats. Mandatory universal vaccines to control rabies (not present in American dog population, present in bats and wild critters) and multiple vaccines against other non-threatening diseases. The dog develops itchy skin (the skin is having an auto-immune damage response to the vaccine) and sometimes odd behavior. Vet is confounded but prescribes Apoquel for the itchy skin (a nasty auto-immune reaction suppressor) at great cost - for life. 30 years ago, canine cancer in the USA was a rarity, now 50% of pet dogs die of cancer, after lengthy and expensive treatment.

Next time your vet or doctor emails you to "keep up to date" - ignore them.

Bonus Point: Before Bourla ascended to the top of the Pfizer killer corp empire, he devastated many herds of cattle with spontaneous abortions, running its animal products division.

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OK...we suck...no argument. The real question is what is the fix, how achieved and over what time frame. Pax

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Weed out the corruption in the FDA and USDA would be a good start.

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Ask first what the cost is going to be. They have to tell you or give you a rough estimate.

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