... the one thing you never heard Wally say, on his 50's television sit-com: "... hey Beaver? Wouldn't it be nice, living in a negro neighborhood?" Bless their souls, no gentle way of putting it, time to face facts, desegregation failed. They're even more miserable than they were, before. So wretched, even they hate themselves. They can't stand living with themselves. So much so, they can't wait to breakout. They long to settle, in a white community - Samuel.

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The obummer claimed there were 57 states. Will Haiti become the 58th? Just wondering.

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Are the resorts in Punta Cana run by publicly traded companies? Something tells me the Pelosis were not buyers yesterday.

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Truth always prevails! The State Dept has just done more to expose what the Federal Government purposely and knowingly did to Springfield, Ohio. Whoops!

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