If you seek to divide you are evil whatever colour you happen to be. We need to come together and fight our real enemy, the elites. They hate all races and are trying to kill all of us. Nothing else matters.

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That's true but I don't see much organic white racism objectively. Most whites who could be considered racist are reacting to the endless race hate directed at them by the corporate media and social justice left. But I agree that fixating on race in any context is an intentional distraction that serves elite interests.

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Let’s play, how about we start this time and say “Claiming things that are ridiculous and white supremacy is in fact an act of white supremacy “!

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No it is not white supremacy .. it is called success. Just seems more whites, Asians, and Indians seem to be doing it nowadays. The divide has never been so clear between good and evil. I choose good.

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White Supemacy ?

That’s A Little Too Kind.

Based On The Past 50 Years In America

I’ll Begrudgingly Accept Superiority.

Not Because I Want To.

Just As An Acknowlement

That You AOC Types

Need To Get Your Shit Together.


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