f). proliferation of homosexuality (e.g., criminalization of religion) -
g). self-serving mandates (e.g., conformity over ethics) -
h). selective prosecution (e.g., moral compass pointed no particular direction) -
i). accountability (e.g., the FBI; nothing's ever anyone's fault; no one's ever really to blame) -
j). government sponsored crime (e.g., Soros-Biden doctrine; open borders; govt policy dedicated to proliferation of graft, crime, corruption across society, to water down its own) - Samuel.
... if you went to the Macy's department store? Got yourself a ladder? You could make the "C" into a "g", flip the "Y" into and "A", and you'd have whacked out democrats at the shopping mall, going ape, breaking out in hives, keying conservative car archetypes out in the parking lot which look to be driven, by anyone but democrats. How many years in the gray bar motel do you think you'd get? - Samuel.
... last ten throes of a dying government, penultimate to its collapse (a.k.a., signal accomplishments of president Joe Biden):
a). escapism (e.g., George Floyd! the green revolution! diversity is our strength! gay is good! student loan forgiveness!) -
b). staggering debt (e.g., government borrowing; no intention ever repaying) -
c). censorship; dogma (e.g., fascism; democratic authoritarianism; mob rule) -
d). mendacity; propaganda (e.g., "the truth" is known! deviation from "the truth" is treason!) -
e). promiscuity (e.g., youth indoctrination; polarization; policies advancing gender ambiguity) -
f). proliferation of homosexuality (e.g., criminalization of religion) -
g). self-serving mandates (e.g., conformity over ethics) -
h). selective prosecution (e.g., moral compass pointed no particular direction) -
i). accountability (e.g., the FBI; nothing's ever anyone's fault; no one's ever really to blame) -
j). government sponsored crime (e.g., Soros-Biden doctrine; open borders; govt policy dedicated to proliferation of graft, crime, corruption across society, to water down its own) - Samuel.
... if you went to the Macy's department store? Got yourself a ladder? You could make the "C" into a "g", flip the "Y" into and "A", and you'd have whacked out democrats at the shopping mall, going ape, breaking out in hives, keying conservative car archetypes out in the parking lot which look to be driven, by anyone but democrats. How many years in the gray bar motel do you think you'd get? - Samuel.
ps - ... and, always remember, cannibals ate his uncle! -