When a slave becomes an happy slave he has relinquished all that makes him human - Frederick Douglass

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Who hasn’t looked at Sisyphus and recognised a kindred spirit? So tragic; so inspiring.

Yes, the transhumanists, global technocrats broadcast their spiritual limitations and existential fears by their desperately grotesque ambitions.

Silly old things.

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"The transhumanist technocrats, of course, have rejected such wisdom, instead hoping to fashion themselves into perverse demigods, bitterly clinging to the hope of eternal life out of fear of what might become of their own twisted, mortal souls should they ever face the eternal unknown."

Transhumanists aren't afraid of death or where their souls might go if the soul continued living. They are poofsters - they believe as atheists do that we go "poof" when we die. Nothing continues. Why transhumanists want to live earthly lives forever is because they LOVE their earthly, powerful lives. That's all. I can guarantee you there are no abject poverty, living in slums/foxholes transhumanists out there. That philosophy is only for the rich and powerful.

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This fatalism false belief that we cannot do anything sounds like the exact tiny 0.01% parasites propaganda. All we have to do is unite and say No. Stop acquiescing like serfs dodos and do not implement the regulations and it's game over. Farmers said No and it worked. Authority only work if it has credibility. Stop giving your Power away to them. They have no power if you do no obbey.


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... a vintage Ted Arnold just turned up on ebay:


... had an identical Ted Arnold Sisyphus in my bedroom, from first grade through mid life. The move from Colorado to California, it grew legs, disappeared. I would dearly like having it back - asj.

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… had a Ted Arnold Sisyphus gifted to me, 1st grade, by my mother, after coming home from school banged up and bruised, from a beating in incurred, from the corner sidewalk bully. Had it with me through mid-life, but the move from Colorado Springs to Southern California, poof-gone, Sisyphus vanished.

gone, 36 years, glad to have finally found another:


All is now right, once again, in my world. Thousand thanks, Ben. God bless - Samuel.

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